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Donghyucks room, getting ready for the birthday party

The couple were already dressed, donghyuck wearing a black polo with the top buttons undone, tucked in black pants, renjun wearing a almost the same thing but only the front of the shirt is tucked in. “What gift should we get? Expensive ones? Crappy toys? What?” Renjun panics, “Lets go to the mall and look for some toys we can give her.” Donghyuck smiles, putting his wallet, phone and keys in his pockets “Lets go?” he smiles and holds the smallers hand.

The couple were now at the mall, looking for anything that could be gifted to a 4 year old. “Oh look!” Renjun suddenly says, pointing rilakkuma plush “You go get her a kaoru one, Iʼll get this one for her” “Yes boss!” Donghyuck says and runs off to find a kaoru plush.

Yhurieʼs 4th birthday!

Donghyuck went off to place the gifts down and help with the food that was being prepared.

“Rennie!” Yhurie squeals running over to renjun and hugging his leg “Hello riee happy birthday!” Renjun says cheerfully and picks the 4 year old up and brings her to where guests could be seated “Do you like the decorations?” Renjun smiles “Yeah! Daddy got me a doll lets go play with itt!” Yhurie says while wiggling on renjuns lap “Sure! But first meet uncle haechan” Renjun smiles and pulls donghyucks arm and the couple could swear they felt their ears get ripped off when yhurie squealed “He looks like a bear rennie!” Yhurie giggled, donghyuck softly chuckled and waved at yhurie “Hey yhurie” donghyuck says, smiling softly at the 4 year old “Hello! Lets go playyy” Yhurie says getting off renjuns lap and running to get her dolls.

“Are 4 year olds usually hyper at 8am?” Donghyuck asks while looking at yhurie who was asking taeyong where her doll went “I donʼt know, maybe she got it from taeyong” Renjun softly laughed.

Yhurie came back with her dolls and the couple then played with her.

Yhurieʼs gift opening

The room was filled with guests, from taeil to doyoung, to chenle, to mark, to jungwoo, to lucas, to jisung and the list goes on.

“Rie this ones from auntie yeeun” Taeyong smiles at his daughter and hands her over the gift, it was a set of dolls, how rich are these people?

The chenji couple were nervous, seeing that taeil and doyoung gifted yhurie a custom bag with her name on it that came all the way from italy, kun who gave her her own ipad, renhyuck who gave her rilakkuma plushies, yeeun who gifted her dolls, aisha who gifted her a toy bird that copies whatever you say, jaeyong who gave her a car that she can fit in, yeri giving her designer clothes, jungwoo gifted her a baby doll with its own things, lucas who promised her to take her to disneyland and more expensive gifts from other guests.

What are chenji going to give yhurie? A baby bichon frise. They werenʼt sure if the 4 year old liked dogs, the jaeyong couple wasnʼt sure if she still liked dogs too.

It was almost their time to bring out their gift and jisung excused himself out of the venue to get the dog, jisung picked it up and whispered “I hope sheʼll like you” he then went in secretly while yhurie was opening the other gifts, jisung whispered “Hide the dog” to chenle, renjun and haechan, the trio hid the dog and waited.

Yhurieʼs squeal spread around the room, playing with the puppy that was just given to her “Thank youu!” she says hugging the chenji couple, chenle and jisung were proud of what they gave her.

“Did you like our gifts too?” Renjun pouted at the 4 year old “Donʼt be sad rennie I loved them!” Yhurie says climbing on renjun.

A book about nct ships playing with children, having children or any random stuff I can think of is in the drafts! I think Iʼll publish it next week

- Ethereal | renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now