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“You are such an asshole arenʼt you?, you knew what happened to him, you saw it, you heard it and you decide to make everything worse for him?! Everyday he looks like its as if he canʼt cry any more!” Lucas places the food on the table. “Heʼs in a deep hole surrounded by trouble donghyuck!! Youʼre making it deeper!” Lucas yells. “Iʼm sorry.” was all donghyuck could say. “Forget about it ge.” renjun weakly says to lucas. The taller turns around to see chihoon and chenle helping renjun. Lucasʼ eyes turn soft and start to look at renjun for any more fresh wounds. “Come on ren, lets eat” Chihoon says, helping renjun sit down. A few hours went by, renjun not talking to donghyuck, donghyuck not talking to renjun. “Ren ge how are you feeling?” Chenle asks while ripping a piece off of renjuns rice cake “Iʼm fine, he hates me, atleast someone actually kept their feelings for me. Unlike them. They couldnʼt even decide on oh I want to hurt him or I just hate him so Iʼll ignore him.” Renjun sighs, taking another bite out of his snack “Its alright ge, ignore them lets focus on your health for now.” Chenle smiles as he hands a cup of noodles to renjun.

They were now back at the office building. Lucas has had enough and decided to tell jungwoo himself. “Sir—Jungwoo. I have something to tell you about what has been going on with renjun lately.” after explaining, jungwoo was in tears and ran to renjun who was sitting down on the break rooms couch with chihoon and chenle scolding donghyuck.

“Babyyy Iʼm so sorryy” jungwoo sniffles, wiping renjunʼs tears with a warm damp towel “I could have been checking on you since that incident” he hugs the smaller, letting renjun cry on his shoulders “Iʼm going to give you a break alright? Your salary will be with you even when you arenʼt here, go to therapy, have fun, relax, and hang out with your friends and family okay? Actually Iʼll make your salary higher youʼre my favorite anyways Iʼm saying too much am I?” Jungwoo says, patting renjuns back, earning a small giggle from the younger “Thank you, Iʼll make sure to do all of those” he smiles. “Awweee renren baby you better do! Lets make you look fresh hold on.” Jungwoo wipes renjuns sweat and tears with a different damp towel, warmer this time and ties renjuns hair into a little ponytail, donghyuck could swear he felt something weird when he saw renjun like that. “Chenle! Chihoon! Call lucas!” Jungwoo says in a serious tone.

After gathering the small friend group he sighs “Zhong Chenle, Choi Chihoon, Wong Yukhei, Huang Renjun, you four can take a break after all those that happened this year, salary will still be with you four even if you are on break. Now for you young man.” he points at donghyuck “You will be staying here to work, no breaks for hurting one of my models.” Jungwoo says and pulls donghyuck up “Have fun you four!” he says before turning around with donghyuck, he raises a brow at the other staff and models who were watching them “What? Go back to work everybody we arenʼt watching a movie!” he then pulls donghyuck outside, leaving the four friends to cheer in happiness.

“We should go to the mall! Oh and lets go on a small road trip! Lets go to the beach!” Chenle squeals, “Calm down chipmunk” Chihoon says, earning a laugh from the others.

- Ethereal | renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now