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“Aaaahhh!!” Chenle squealed excitedly “Come on let me dress you guys up!” he then pushes the other three inside his room.

It had already been a week since the friend group was told they could have a break any time they want, a party was going to be held tonight at their company and obviously, they were going.

“You got clothes for lucas?” Chihoon asked, looking at chenle weirdly. “Of course I do! I have a lot of clothes for all of us, I ordered them a few days ago and made sure that they would arrive at the same day.” Chenle said proudly “A few days ago? Wasnʼt the announcement out like yesterday?” lucas then asked “Come on man why do you guys ask so many things! I heard jungwoo and some other guy talk about it 2 weeks ago and decided that I should get you guys ready the day its held since you three might be late again, no pressure today guys Iʼm zhong chenle, I got yall.” He said, patting lucasʼ shoulder. “Now lets go! Ren ge youʼre up heres your bag”.

A few hours went by and it was already 4pm, it started with whining and complaining that they wouldnʼt look good.

“Do we have to dress formally? No casual clothes?” Renjun asks “Nope! We need to look like princes.” Lucas and chihoon lets out a small laugh and puts their shoes on.

(Now before we continue, renle's outfits are the ones they wore at the gourmet party, lucas wears a navy blue polo tucked in black pants with black shoes, chihoon wears a black turtleneck with a brown coat, black pants and black shoes. Renles recent glimo outfits dont fit with the stuff im going for im so sorry)

Yeah huge time skip sorry.

6pm, office party.

“Renrennieeee!!” jungwoo squeals pulling renjun into a bone crushing hug, “The people who hurt you are in jail now and their company is closed down, we won!” jungwoo says, letting the younger go. “Ah, yeah I forgot about them.” renjun says, chuckling softly. “Oh my God really?! Iʼm so sorry” jungwoo says sadly, “Its alright, it sort of reminds me of how strong I am” Renjun laughs and lets jungwoo talk with other people.

It was now 7pm, an hour after the party started, jungwoo talking with other ceo's, models getting into different type of issues, gossiping obviously.

“Did she kiss a different man?” chihoon asks, putting a hand on his mouth and gasps “Yeah!” they were deep into their little conversation until.. “Renjun.” Donghyuck says, standing near them. “Don't go near him you mole rat” Chenle says, pulling renjun who was on his phone busy doing something on his phone the whole time, unbothered king.

“I just want to talk to him for a bit” Donghyuck says looking at them with innocent eyes, “Ew fine. Don't hurt him or I'll personally come to you and rip your skin and bones apart and put your remaining body parts in the ocean while watching it float until it withers away and disintegrates” Chenle says, glaring at donghyuck who was now smiling nervously “I'll call your family and friends and tell them we're having a great time” The younger adds, sitting down and tapping renjuns shoulder. “Ren do you want donghyuck to talk to you?” Lucas asks in a worried tone. Renjun looks at donghyuck with a questioning face, doesn't he hate me? “Umm, sure?” Renjun says, standing up and sending the three a look that says 'if something happens to me you know who to look for'.

because all cliche dramas go there

The two sat down beside each other, moonlight hitting their faces like how hard it hit haechan that he did love ren— yeah anyways.

The two sat in silence for a while, until haechan spoke up. “Its been a week since we met.” haechan says awkwardly as renjun also sends an awkward nod “Iʼm so sorry for yelling at you. I know this isnʼt important but I was already in a bad mood I didnʼt mean to scream at you.” Haechan says looking at the other who was playing with his fingers “Mhm.. Its alright.” renjun says, putting his hair up in a small ponytail “Really?” “Yeah.” again, another silence covered the two.

where did confident donghyuck go?

“Renjun..” donghyuck says softly “Do you believe in love at first sight or just love?”


That was 745 words

- Ethereal | renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now