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Haechans pov cuz why not?

Its 2 a.m, he couldnʼt stop thinking about what happened in just a day. It all went by so quickly.

Did I hurt him too much?

I did, did I? No shit haechan he literally cried.

He was getting confused about how he was feeling, what did he feel when he was around renjun?

He decided to call a friend to ask, getting tired of asking himself stupid questions.

( normal - haechan
whatever this is - mark )

“Mark mark mark mark!”

What is it haechan? Its what.. 2 in the morning?

I knowwww but I have something to ask you.”

Go on”

“You know renjun right?”


“You know two toned hair, cute nose, pink lips, short, grumpy, yeah?”

Mark let out a soft chuckle.

“Yeah, my brothers favorite model. What about ren?”

You see, I feel something weird whenever Iʼm with him”

Mhm, explain what you feel.”

“I donʼt know, like, I donʼt know! Like theres something in my stomach?”

“Haech, youʼre making it sound weird. But calm it down, Donʼt you think its love at first sight?You two only met today.”

“What?! I donʼt love him. Why would I?”

Was it hard to only say no?”

“Youʼre in love haech. What you feel with him is love. The way you described him earlier is funny. Go and ask yourself if you love him, Iʼm gonna get some sleep.”

“But-” And mark hung up. Does donghyuck really love renjun?
He jumped on his bed and started thinking about the other, heʼs cute, heʼs lovely, heʼs charming, heʼs everything. What?! Oh my God oh my God he started panicking and gasped.
“Maybe I am in love?!” He said, looking shocked and scared.
After an hour of denying, accepting, not caring and questioning he finally settled on 'Yeah I love him.'

“Who knew love could feel so tight.”

short chapter for today, im extremely busy lol

- Ethereal | renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now