Month 1

822 16 0

3rd person pov
Tsuna yawned loudly as she woke up due to the screaming and crying from the bassinet next to the bed, that was placed in Naruto's room for when he was older, but Tsuna decided to use it until her brother was old enough to sleep alone, making her groan and sit up slowly holding her head.

"Alright ototo I'm don't smell so you don't need a diaper change so you must be hungry" Tsuna mumbles out loud, even though her younger brother probably couldn't understand her, as she slowly get out of the bed and walked over to the pastel orange bassinet, her mother chose the color, but she walked over to grab the step stool that was near the bedroom door. Then, using the step stool, she gently picked the month-old baby up. She heard his stomach growl confirming that he was indeed hungry. So, she sighed and carefully walked downstairs as he stops screaming but continues to whine and whimper. Tsuna quickly made a bottle with the formula her mother told her and her father to get one shopping trip said to buy for the baby, she already realized from things that happened the past week that instead of using the stores inside the village she'd have to wait for merchants or Uchiha/Inuzuka mothers to help as she was way over charged for the pack of formula, and put it in the microwave to warm it up but Naruto flinches when the microwave door slams shut, due to his sensitivity to loud noises, making the five-year-old rub his back gently calming him down greatly but he continued to whine and whimper as his stomach growls.

'I hope it's just the hunger making him whine and not the Kyuubi...but from what Pervy Sage and Jiji told me about the Kyuubi being sealed inside of Okaa-San the Kyuubi should be asleep for at least two more years' Tsuna thought staring at the microwave intently but sighed and attempted to feel for the Kyuubi's burning chakra but couldn't find anything which made her calm down.

*After the microwave finished and Tsuna read a scroll on some training instructions while feeding and burping Naruto*

She sighed as she carefully took him back upstairs. She was five years old and didn't want to drop or hurt him while going up or down the stairs. She carried him to his bassinet so that he could go back to sleep but since she was already wide awake, she decided that she might as well get some training done or read some more things in her mother's office, father's office, and the compound library. She laid him down and waited on the bed for him to fall asleep then once she heard his soft snores signaling, he was out she walked out of the bedroom and walked to the library. She sighed as she spent the next few hours searching and reading in the library then she hears crying again making her put the book down and walk into the bedroom straight over to the blonde.

"Hush ototo I'm here it's ok" she whispers walking towards the changing table trying to calm him down a little since she could smell why he was so upset.

*1 week later Tsuna is slowly getting the hang of raising Naruto*

Tsuna and Itachi were sitting on the floor in front of Naruto and Sasuke who were laying on their stomachs for their predetermined tummy time. They were sitting on top of a blanket that was a light yellow with a bright red Uzumaki swirl that Kushina made for her daughter before she was born. The two older siblings were softly speaking when they heard a knock at the door, but the two babies were finishing up their predetermined tummy time so neither five-year-old could get up right now not that they wanted too anyway.

"Who is it? I'm kind of busy right now" Tsuna called out watching as Naruto attempted to move his head around but couldn't so he got frustrated which made Sasuke frustrated. Itachi chuckled but wondered who it would be since his mom and dad wouldn't be by for another hour or so.

"It's Hiruzen and what are you doing at this hour?" An older voice shouted making Tsuna smile as Naruto started whining and whimpering for his older sister to pick him and hold him.

"You can come in Jiji! Tummy time has just ended" Tsuna says picking up Naruto, who was getting fussy, but the blonde baby seemed pleased that his sister picked him up. Itachi picked his younger brother up and smiled slightly as the black-haired baby cooed at the older male.

"Ah ok then I was wondering what you could be doing" Hiruzen says as he walks into the house and over to the four children. He smiled softly at the month-old babies that were settling down in the arms of their older siblings.

"You're doing a good job raising him Tsuna" he says, praising the red-haired girl since the black-haired boy had his family to help him full time unlike Tsuna as she might have them to help her, they could only do so much, and the young female child smiles and looks down at her ototo who was staring at the older male with large blue eyes.

"You really think so Jiji?" Tsuna asked softly as she looked away from Naruto and looked at Hiruzen and Itachi who had small smiles on their faces.

"I do...and I know your mother and father would be proud of you" Hiruzen says gently placing his hand on the five-year old's head making her smile slightly.

"Thank you Jiji" she whimpers slightly as she heard a quiet snore making her look down and see her blonde baby brother sleeping with his head resting against her shoulder and his hand gripping onto her shirt.

"So how do you plan on going to the academy in a few years since you're technically raising him alone?" Hiruzen asked as he followed Tsuna and Itachi upstairs to put their younger siblings in the bassinets, Tsuna set up extras for when Itachi or Hana comes over with their younger siblings so the three can rest assured their siblings are safe while they hang out when the three babies sleep.

"I'm not going into the academy Jiji" Tsuna say making Hiruzen stop, Itachi didn't react as he already knew of her plan, and the older male couldn't help but stare at her since becoming a ninja of the Leaf was her dream. Everyone in her family knew she always wanted to be head of ANBU but here she was denying it and even stating she wasn't going into the academy.

"What?" Hiruzen asked and Tsuna sighed as she gently laid the Kyuubi's jinchūriki in his bassinet while Itachi laid Sasuke in the other bassinet.

"By the time I'm old enough to join the academy Naruto will still need both constant supervision and training, which as the new Uzumaki, Namikaze, and Senju head falls to me to supervise his training. Then by the time he's a Genin it'll be too late for me to become a shinobi as he'll still need me until he's at least a Chunin. So as an Uzumaki and a Senju my obligation is to him and his growth besides I don't want the civilian council to find a loophole to take him away from me" Tsuna explained as she stared down at her younger brother before rubbing the whisker marks on his cheeks.

"I... I understand...if it'll make you feel better, I'll help you train when I can. Oh, and Jiraiya sent this scroll for you, but I'll leave it on the kitchen table" the third Hokage offered, and Tsuna smiled then turned to face the old man.

"Hai...I would like that Jiji...thank you once again" Tsuna says, laughing slightly as Itachi offers to help them train in the Uchiha compound as it'd be a wise decision to have Sasuke and Naruto be friends, and the third Hokage nods before leaving.

"I really hope I'm doing this right" Tsuna huffed as she went over and sat on her bed, Itachi went into the guest bedroom, staring at the ceiling feeling doubt and insecurity creep up inside of her gut.

'Damn I'm this insecure about this?' Tsuna thought looking down at her stomach, wincing at the feeling that she never really felt before her brother was born, before looking back up at the ceiling.

"I hope I can raise him right..." The red-haired girl mumbles before yawning and turning around looking at the orange bassinet.

"I might not be able to give you the best things due to the village overcharging me for things, but I will be able to give you all of the love I can" Tsuna whispered before smiling to herself.

"I'll tell you all about Okaa-San and Otou-San...they would've loved you" she mumbled as she glanced at her fourth birthday party's photo. She was in the middle and the red-haired female, and the older blonde male was covered in icing while Kushina was trying to clean them off.

"I love you ototo" she says before drifting off into a nap since her younger brother was sleeping, she would be able to take a nap.

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