Wave Mission Pt. 3

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3rd person pov
Team seven was now walking down the road again. Sakura was talking to Tazuna again while the boys were quiet. Kakashi was thinking about the possibilities about the Kyuubi's chakra while Naruto and Sasuke were on edge now aware that they could come across shinobi.

"Hn" (We need to be careful Gato most likely wouldn't hire village shinobi as they would hold him to paying them back) Sasuke grunted and Naruto nodded in response.

"Hn?" (What? Should we expect rouges?) Naruto asked in response tilting his head. He agreed with his brother, but he still needed the Uchiha's thoughts as Sasuke was always the overprepared one.

"Hn" (Yeah...do you remember any rouges that should be around wave that we should be concerned about?) Sasuke asked his brother who closed his eyes and not only thought about it but also sensed the area around them.

"Hn" (A few but any of them are highly possible we'll just have to wait and see) Naruto responds and the two fall silent again ignoring their teammate and their Sensei.

"Mah mah Naruto-Kun can I ask you something?" Kakashi asked getting closer and the blonde twelve-year-old looked back at his Sensei still a bit annoyed about the faking his death thing.

"What is it, Sensei?" Naruto asked him although he had an idea about what the silver-haired male wanted to ask and talk about.

"When you pulled your hand away earlier...did you notice anything?" Kakashi asked quietly clearly not wanting their teammates to hear.

"Yeah, I did...my tenant used his chakra to make you let go" Naruto explained knowing that the silver-haired male was left out of the loop about the connection the Uzumaki kids had to the Kyuubi.

"Your tenant? So, you know about..." Kakashi asked shocked. He didn't think the boy would know since no one told him that the blonde knew about the fox.

"Yeah, I know...I've known for a few years now." Naruto huffed as he looked ahead and scanned the area for anything odd.

"Naruto you-" Kakashi starts only for the two twelve-year-old boys to stop, and Sasuke handed his blonde brother figure a kunai. Naruto threw it into a bush where it narrowly missed a bunny that hopped out.

"Naruto-Baka! You almost hit the poor bunny" Sakura shouts and goes over to the bunny to comfort it, but the two boys were confused...Naruto knew what he sensed, and it wasn't a white bunny...wait...a white bunny?

"Duck!" Kakashi shouted making the boys duck instinctively while Kakashi forced Sakura and Tazuna down just as a sword flew over them and landed in a tree. The five stood up and looked at the tree where Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

"Zabuza Momochi" Kakashi stated making the boys pale. Naruto realized that the missing nin in front of them could've been a choice, but he had hoped the missing nin wouldn't appear.

*With Tsuna*

Tsuna was pacing in the office of the Hokage. She knew it was a simple C ranked mission so nothing should go wrong but she had a nagging feeling something was wrong. The third Hokage simply let her pace as he knew there was no calming her down until she saw her little brothers walk through the door.

"Am I overreacting Jiji?" Tsuna asked as she stopped pacing and looked at the older male who merely chuckled.

"Not at all Tsuna-Chan the little boys you've raised are outside the village and you know the dangers that come with it...it's natural to worry" Hiruzen says as Tsuna sighs and goes back to pacing. She couldn't help the nagging feeling that something was wrong. She paced for a few more moment when suddenly a dog she hasn't seen in years appeared.

"Pakkun?" Tsuna asked making the dog wag his tail slightly before remembering what he was sent here for.

"Hokage-Sama. Kakashi wishes for me to inform you that he's changing the mission rank from a C rank to an A rank. A corrupt man by the name of Gato is hiring possible missing nin to assassinate the bridge builder. However, they've made the decision to keep moving to the client's village in order to scope out the place for a better skilled team to handle" Pakkun says making Tsuna pale. Her brothers were out there in a A ranked mission. She looked at the Hokage who instantly looked at one of his ANBU.

"ANBU fetch me Weasel, Crow, and their teams" Hiruzen orders making the ANBU nod and disappear. Tsuna relaxed when she heard who the Hokage was sending. She knew her husband and older brother figure and their ANBU teams could handle an A ranked mission.

*Back with Team 7*

The three Genin watched in fear as their Sensei was trapped in a water prison. The Sensei was telling them to run and while Sakura thought about it the two boys weren't even planning on it. While they didn't like the silver-haired Jonin they weren't going to leave him for death.

"Sorry Bakashi but while you might be ok with us leaving me and Sasuke aren't going anywhere!" Naruto shouted as he and Sasuke looked at each other. Naruto then rushed the missing nin while Sasuke stayed back and pulled out a giant shuriken. Zabuza raised an eyebrow when he noticed the blonde Genin rushing him...surely the blonde has realized the power difference between them right? Sasuke threw the shuriken once Naruto was in front of the missing nin. Before the missing nin could attack, Naruto smirked and substituted with the shuriken making Zabuza's eyes widen and jump to avoid the shuriken forcing him to release the water prison that had their Sensei trapped.

"Tch I'll admit you brats managed to surprise me, but it won't happen again" Zabuza growled and Kakashi weakly tried getting up while Naruto and Sasuke prepared for the next attack. However, before he could attack someone appeared behind him and knocked him out. Zabuza fell and revealed none other than Itachi Uchiha in ANBU uniform standing behind him. The boys smiled and looked at their client and saw ANBU Muskrat bandaging Sakura while ANBU Cobra was talking to Tazuna. ANBU Lizard was with Kakashi and ANBU Crow appeared with a restrained masked hunter nin.

"N-.... Weasel-San!" Sasuke said smiling. He remembered that they weren't allowed to refer to the ANBU as their actual names so both him and Naruto had to call both Itachi and Shisui by their codenames.

"We'll be taking over this mission, but we'll let you stay involved for now since you started the mission" Itachi says making the three Genin nod as Lizard picks the silver-haired Jonin up.

"Is there anywhere we can rest Tazuna-San?" Sakura asked as she slowly found her voice and confidence. She was slowly coming out of the shock of the killer intent that the missing nin sent their way earlier.

"Y-Yes you can stay at my house" Tazuna says as he slowly steps in front to lead the large group towards his home and village.

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