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3rd person pov
A twelve-year-old Tsuna was yawning as she was waiting for her best friend and her crush to meet up like they normally do while their younger brothers play at a nearby park. Naruto was standing next to her as Tsuna told him not to leave her eyesight when they were alone.

"Ki-Chan! There you are" A female voice yells. Hearing that made Tsuna look over and see Hana and Kiba walking over to them.

"Kiba!" Naruto shouted seeing one of his friends. Kiba seeing his blonde friend became excited and ran over before Naruto dragged him off in order to go play at the park before their older sisters could even get a word out towards them.

"Naruto seems hyper today" Hana says and Tsuna sighs and rubs her forehead slightly which makes Hana snicker.

"Tell me about it. Ever since he's unlocked his chakra his Uzumaki blood has kicked into hyperdrive but I was expecting it so it's not as bad as it'd be if I wasn't expecting it..." Tsuna sighs making Hana smile and sit next to the red-haired female. The two chatted for a while until Sasuke ran over and grabbed Tsuna's sleeve.

"Tsuna-Nee. There is someone bothering Nii-San" Sasuke says making Tsuna giggle and ruffle the Uchiha's hair making the younger boy puff out his cheeks.

"Alright I'll go help him how about you go play at the park with Naruto and Kiba?" Tsuna asked making Sasuke nod and run towards the park while Tsuna goes to get up only to see Itachi walk in with an annoyed look in his eyes and following close behind him was none other than Izumi Uchiha.

"Itachi-Kun" Tsuna says standing up seeing the red-haired female and the Inuzuka female made Itachi relax especially when said Inuzuka female has three ninken with her so he knew Izumi wouldn't try anything with them here.

"Tsuna-Chan. Hana-Chan" Itachi says he didn't have a crush on the Inuzuka but he was pretty close to her, so he used 'Chan' since she always told him 'San' was too formal, but she knew Itachi was too polite to just call her Hana.

"Itachi! You finally made it. We were wondering when you'd get here" Hana says as Itachi walks over, still being followed by Izumi, and hugged Tsuna.

"Hey Itachi-Kun you never answered my question. So will you go out on a date with me?" Izumi asked making Tsuna and Hana stop and look at the Uchiha male slightly worried about what the Uchiha male would say.

"No. I've already told you that" Itachi says making Izumi frown as she didn't like that answer as she's been crushing on the Uchiha heir for as long as she can remember.

"What? Why?!" Izumi shouted making everyone in the area look at her before looking away but no one was talking as loud as they were before it was obvious they were now listening in.

"Cause I've been meaning to ask someone else out" Itachi says blankly while looking at the black-haired female. Then he turned back to the red-haired female in front of him suddenly he felt all the confidence leave him.

"Prove it!" Izumi shouted but Itachi felt sick at the thought of confessing he was scared she'd say no but seeing this Tsuna huffed as she gathered courage...and spite towards Izumi.

"Screw it. Itachi Uchiha!" Tsuna said as her face turned a slight red color as Hana smiled knowing what her best friend was about to do.

"Will you go out on a date with me?" Tsuna asked making everyone in the area gasp while Izumi fumed silently.

"Y-Yes" Itachi finally managed to stutter out making Tsuna's eyes widen and jump into Itachi's arms as Hana squeals.

"What?! Her!" Izumi yells but the two ignored her as they were happy in the moment and Itachi just hugged Tsuna tightly.

"Itachi-Kun?!" Izumi yelled once more but after being ignored once again she stormed off not that either of them noticed.

"About time you two asked each other out" Hana sighs as she was happy her two best friends finally got together.

"Does this mean you two are dating now?" A small voice asked the three of them turned around and spotted Naruto, Kiba, and Sasuke standing there looking at them.

"Yes it does...if she'll have me?" Itachi asked making Tsuna snort and cross her arms after pulling away from the hug with Itachi.

"I wouldn't have asked you out if I wasn't willing to have you" Tsuna huffed making Itachi rub the back of his neck slightly.

"So Mr. ANBU Captain be ready by eight tonight. I already have an idea" Tsuna teases making Itachi cough before nodding.

"R-Right our date!" Itachi yelped making Sasuke roll his eyes at the sight of his brother acting so unusual.

"Don't worry Tsuna-Nee I'll make sure Okaa-San knows about your date so that he's ready!" Sasuke chirps before looking at his friends and nodding. The three kids walk away leaving the three teens alone.

*Later that night. Itachi, Sasuke, Mikoto, Fugaku, Izumi and the Uchiha elders were waiting. Sasuke only told Mikoto Itachi had a date but didn't say who. Izumi is only there cause she's the daughter of one of the elder (In my AU at least)*

Itachi was feeling awkward as everyone stared at him waiting for his date to show up. Itachi wasn't worried as it was only 7:50 and Tsuna was one to be one time she was rarely early but never late.

"So Itachi-" an elder began which made Itachi internally groan but he was saved by a knock at the door.

"Thank kami" Itachi muttered before getting up and opening the door. When he opened it his face turned red as even though she was wearing a simple outfit he found that he liked her in it.

"Tsuna-Chan" he said before moving to the side so that the rest of the people in the house could see her.

"Ohayo" Tsuna says waving to the Uchiha family. Mikoto squealed and shook her husband who just let her shake him. Sasuke yawned and waved back he wanted to stay up but Tsuna called him over and kneeled down.

"Sasuke-Chan, I know you want to impress your big brother by staying up waiting for him but if you want to be as strong as him in the future you need to be well rested. If you ask, I'm sure Itachi will tell you everything tomorrow, ok?" Tsuna said as she looked at the six-year-old. Sasuke yawned and nodded as she had made sense to him, so he wished his family a good night before walking upstairs. Tsuna and Itachi made it a point to ignore the elders and Izumi.

"So where are we going Tsuna-Chan?" Itachi asked as they left the building and close the door behind them.

"So umm...I planned a picnic at that special spot you showed me. The one with the really good view of the sunset?" Tsuna says shyly suddenly worried Itachi wouldn't like it but the male Uchiha simply gave her a small smile and grabbed her hand.

"Sounds great" Itachi says making her nerves calm down as they left the compound. They quietly talked to each other while walking to the spot and when they got there Itachi was stunned when he saw everything that was set up was a combination of both his favorite food and her favorite food.

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