Month 9

386 9 0

3rd person pov
Tsuna smiled as she watched Naruto play hide and seek with his toys. He would hide the toy, crawl over to his sister, clap to himself for a moment before crawling back to find the toy he hid making Tsuna snicker.

"Naruto, I think it's time for a quick snack" Tsuna said making Naruto frown as he wasn't done playing but he watched as his older sister stood up so he used the couch to push himself up from the floor, but he fell before he could stand fully.

"Mmh..." Naruto started before breaking out in tears making Tsuna stop walking into the kitchen and run over to him.

"Come here little brother. I guess it's time to start teaching you how to walk" Tsuna says before she grabbed Naruto's hands and placing his feet on her feet. She then walked into the kitchen as he giggled before she picked him up and put him in his highchair.

"Now to get you something to eat before we continue teaching you how to walk" Tsuna says talking to herself while Naruto watched her intently move from the counter to the fridge.

*1 week later. Tsuna is still helping Naruto get used to the feeling of walking*

Tsuna was waddling around the living room with Naruto on her feet as Itachi and the one-year-old Sasuke watched them.

"So, he still doesn't know how to walk? I would've thought you would've taught him that before" Itachi asked as Sasuke looked at his older brother wondering what he was talking about.

"Yeah, but he's never showed any want to walk before so I just let him go at his own pace. I know eventually I'll need to teach him things he might not want to learn but for now I believe he can take his time dattebane" Tsuna said making her crush nod as Sasuke looked away from his brother to the faded black bear in his hands.

"No, I understand no need for him to speed through his early years when he'll be expected to speed through the academy as the village's jinchūriki" Itachi says knowing the two younger brothers had zero idea what the word jinchūriki meant so they were able to speak freely.

"Even then I'm not going to expect prodigy level learning. I can tell already that he'll be more of an Uzumaki so much like the others his age he'll have a hard time focusing and learning new information" Tsuna explained making Itachi nod in understanding.

"I believe that...aunt Kushina always seemed all over the place" Itachi said making the red-haired child nod her head.

"Hai she was" Tsuna says before Naruto laughed snapping them both out of their sad thoughts which made the older siblings look at their younger siblings.

"Food" Sasuke says suddenly while looking back at his older brother who nods at what his younger brother was telling him while Tsuna smiles.

"Tomatoes are in the fridge and there is a special treat for you on the counter Itachi-Kun" Tsuna says pointing out of the living room and into the kitchen making the older Uchiha raise an eyebrow in confusion before getting up and walking into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and grabbed a clean tomato to give to Sasuke to eat before he turned around and saw six sticks of dango sitting on the counter.

"Are all of them for me Tsuna-Chan?" Itachi asked not wanting to eat all of them if they weren't all for him as that would be rude.

"Hai. I already ate the six I got for me" Tsuna shouted back making Itachi quickly grab the plate and walk into the living room. Tsuna was now walking around with Naruto on her feet rather than waddling around and Naruto seemed happy about it.

"Here Sasuke-Chan" he says before handing the baby the tomato. Seeing the tomato made Sasuke squeal happily before taking it from his brother. Itachi sat down on the couch and started eating the dango.

"So, what did Hokage-Sama say when you told him about Danzo hanging around the compound?" Itachi asked while looking out the window. Everyone informed her about Danzo hanging around last month when she woke up the next morning.

"He didn't seem surprised in fact he told me to trust my gut and keep an eye out for him and to tell him if I ever see him close to the compound again dattebane" Tsuna says drifting off as Itachi gains a feeling like she wants him to know something else.

"What's wrong? Did Danzo do or say something to you or Naruto?" Itachi asked making Tsuna laugh and shake her head. From what she knew about the war hawk from her parents the older man was smart enough to not outright say anything to her.

"No... it's just ever since I've been training with my chakra more and more...whenever I'm near Danzo I feel like multiple eyes are staring at me...and not the blank mask people he keeps around him..." Tsuna explains shuddering as she remembered when she ran into Danzo when she was out shopping with her younger brother.

"What's it feel like? The eyes staring at you I mean how do you know that they weren't from the blank mask people?" Itachi asked and Tsuna winced as she thought back to the feeling she had when Danzo actually went out of his way to talk to her.

"I don't know Itachi it just felt like someone was staring into my soul" Tsuna says making Itachi frown and decide to ask his parents about it later as to not worry Tsuna right now but he has a gut feeling about what that meant but if he was wrong, he didn't want to worry Tsuna over nothing.

"Anyway, how is your academy training going?" Tsuna asked as Naruto signaled, he was done for the day so Tsuna gently placed him down so he could play with his toys.

"It's going good though mom decided to give me a week off in order to give me a break" Itachi says making Tsuna nod and she walks over and sits next to Itachi on the couch.

"Play" Sasuke says pointing to the blonde boy who was on the floor playing. Itachi looks at him and places him on the ground so that he could play with Naruto.

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