Month 7

462 11 0

3rd person pov
Tsuna has never been more confused in her short lifespan of six years then she is at this moment. She placed her seven-month-old brother down on his playmat and turned to grab his bear but when she went to give it to him, he was gone. She's searched the entire living room and hasn't found him, so she took a deep breath before she panicked and looked around the house.

"Ok Tsuna calm down. All the windows and door are shut and locked so he couldn't have gone outside. All sharp and dangerous objects have been picked up and locked away. I don't think he knows how to use the stairs since he's just figured out how to crawl so he's either in the living room, dining room, or the kitchen dattebane" Tsuna says to herself as she walked around the lower floors of the house looking for her blonde brother.

"Naruto where are you?" Tsuna asked before she heard her brother giggling. She stopped and looked under the dining room table where Naruto was sitting laughing at his sister.

"Gaki" Tsuna huffed before walking over and carefully grabbing her brother who allowed his sister to grab him as she had found him.

"OK now let's go back to playing at you playmat ok ototo?" Tsuna asked carrying her brother back to his playmat.

"Here we are ototo" Tsuna says placing Naruto onto the mat and handing him his bear which he happily took.

"You're crawling already? I don't know what to do..." Tsuna whined sitting down in front of her brother. She was mentally worrying about it as she didn't want her brother getting hurt. Seeing his sister in such an emotional state Naruto whined and crawled over to his older sister. She was too deep in thought to notice Naruto in front of her, so he pouted before crawling into her lap and looking up at her.

"Uah!" Naruto huffed loudly which snapped the red-haired female out of her thoughts. She almost instantly noticed her brother on her lap instead of on the playmat.

"Puh" Naruto whined placing his hands on her chest when Tsuna didn't say anything to him, she smiled softly and hugged him.

"Was my ototo worried about me?" Tsuna asked softly before kissing the top of the blonde's head making said blonde giggle.

"Don't worry ototo...your Oneesan is just thinking about what to do now...maybe I could ask Jiji for help" Tsuna asked before deciding she should go ask her Jiji.

"Ok come on change of plans we are going to see Jiji dattebane" Tsuna sighed picking her brother up again and taking him into their room so that she could change him into warmer clothes. Once the both of them were dressed she picked him up and carried him outside. When she was outside, she snuck through the woods into the Inuzuka compound so she could ask for unbiased Inuzuka ANBU members to lead her to the Hokage's tower.

*Once inside of the Hokage's office*

The Inuzuka ANBU member that brought them to the tower bowed as the red-haired female walked past them into the office.

"We are done here you may take your leave" Hiruzen orders the old war hawk who stared at Naruto. Seeing the older male stare down at the blonde made Tsuna pull her brother closer to her silently using her body to protect her brother. Danzo sighed and walked out without saying a word. Tsuna watched him leave before walking closer to her grandfather figure.

"Jiji was that, Danzo?" Tsuna asked as she remembered the fact that her father and mother hated the old male, so she didn't trust him at all.

"It was...why do you ask?" Hiruzen asked wondering why she wanted to know before he noticed how she seemed to be hunched over her baby brother.

"Auntie Tsume says that her and Kuromaru are constantly smelling him around my compound..." Tsuna said making the older male narrow his eyes.

"Otter, Seal, and Snake" Hiruzen orders making three Uchiha ANBU members appeared in front of him. He knew he could trust the Uchiha and Inuzuka clans with guarding Tsuna and her brother unbiasedly.

"Follow Danzo for the time being. Keep track of everything he does and then report back to me at the end of the day" Hiruzen ordered making the three ANBU nod. Hiruzen wouldn't admit it out loud but as soon as the three ANBU disappeared his gut told him that he managed to avoid a major downslide of his village.

"Anyway, Tsuna why did you want to see me?" Hiruzen asked making the red-haired girl look away from the door to her grandfather.

"Oh, right Naruto is starting to crawl around, and mom never told me what to do since she said her, and dad would deal with it when the time came" Tsuna explained making Hiruzen sigh and stand up. He made a shadow clone, which he found could do paperwork after Tsuna asked why he didn't use them like her dad did and walked over to her. He reached down and Tsuna allowed him to take her brother before he signaled her to follow him which she did as she knew no one would dare try to hurt her or her brother with the Hokage around.

"So, I'll help you with babyproofing though I ask why not have one of the others help you?" Hiruzen asked his granddaughter who was walking right next to him.

"Because I wanted me and Naruto to spend some time with you" Tsuna says shrugging making the old man smile. He was dealing with the loss of his wife, but he knew that at least he had his blood family right in this village. The rest of the red-haired girl's blood family was either dead or not in the village, so she was trying her best to make familial connections for both her and her brother.

"Thank you, Tsuna-Chan, how is the things I gave you for training going?" He asked making her light up clearly thinking the same thing he was before she shook her head and look up at him.

"It's going good Jiji. I've managed to unlock my chakra the other day" Tsuna says making the older male smile he figured that from the large chakra pool he sensed from her. She clearly got the Uzumaki chakra pool which will make training her wood style harder since she needs near perfect chakra control.

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