Wave Mission Pt. 1

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3rd person pov
Sitting in the living room of her family home was none other than the older sister of the Kyuubi jinchūriki Tsuna Uzumaki-Namikaze-Senju-Uchiha. Laying in her lap was a solid brown cat who was resting from the peaceful chakra the eighteen-year-old was emitting. Tsuna sighed and continued to pet the cat while Itachi and Hana were arguing about something though she didn't know what since she stopped listening when her feline friend joined her.


"Tsuna-Chan" They shouted in unison before stopping when they saw the cat sleeping in the eighteen-year-old's lap purring in security as he felt safe.

"Tsuna-Chan... what do you have in your lap?" Itachi asked looking shocked making the red-haired female look down at the sleeping cat.

"A cat? I mean he showed up one day a few months ago and just hangs out here for a while. I decided on letting him stay since he never broke anything or hurt Naruto" Tsuna says shrugging as Tora purred louder as the red-haired female pet him. Itachi and Hana looked at each other as they remembered the times they had to chase the small feline all over the village but yet here he was peacefully sleeping in Tsuna's lap.

"You know what I'm not going to question it" Itachi sighs before looking at Tsuna and away from the sleeping feline.

"Agreed....Tsuna how would you feel about Kakashi taking his team on a C-rank mission? I mean they've been a team taking missions for a good bit now" Hana asked making Tsuna stop petting Tora as she thought about it. How did she feel about it? She didn't trust Kakashi, but she trusted her boys to be strong enough to take on some bandits but what if it went wrong and someone stronger appeared? Could she trust her boys' teammate? She was the daughter of Mebuki Haruno...would they take it alone or with another team? Would it be another freshly graduated team or a more experienced one? Seeing her going down the rabbit hole of her thoughts the other two young adults walked over and sat next to their friend/wife.

"Tsuna breath firefly" Itachi sighed before rubbing her back making Tsuna snap out of her thoughts and look at the two of them and sigh.

"I don't know...I trust the boys, but I don't trust Kakashi and I'm unsure if I trust Mebuki's kid..." Tsuna sighed before looking down at the cat in her lap who looked up at her worried why she was suddenly stressed.

"I guess if Jiji trusts them to do one then I'll trust them..." Tsuna sighs as Tora meows making Tsuna snicker before petting him again. Itachi watches his wife closely as she seems to calm down making him change the topic in order to prevent her from slipping down the rabbit hole again.

*3 weeks later*

Sitting in a bush watching an all-brown cat peacefully bathing himself was Team seven. Though when Naruto spotted the male cat, he stopped and did a double take.

"Wait a minute Sasuke isn't that the cat that hangs out at the compound with Onee-San?" Naruto says into the earpiece and when Sasuke agreed Kakashi chuckled.

"Now boys I'm sure it looks like a cat you two know but this is a very special cat-" Kakashi starts but Naruto ignores him and steps out into the light. The cat jumped and looked at him looking ready to run until he saw the blonde-haired male and recognized him as a very important person to the red-haired lady. Tora mewed quietly and walked over before rubbing against his legs. Naruto picked him up and held him just as his older sister does making the cat close his eyes and relax...while the blonde wasn't as comforting as the red-haired female, he was more comforting than others.

"Mission complete" Sasuke says coming out and over to the blonde then Kakashi and Sakura came out as well. The pink haired female was confused about why this was a mission and the older male was shocked at how easily the cat was caught.

"Well let's go to Jiji then" Naruto says before turning and walking with Sasuke leaving the other two teammates alone.

"Hey wait a minute!" Sakura shouts before running over and catching up with them. Kakashi silently followed behind them...trying to think of how to bond with Sasuke, Naruto, and Tsuna again.

*At the tower Naruto smiled when he saw the Daimyo and his wife. While neither have been by ever since his birth Tsuna did tell him how the Daimyo and their father were close*

"Jiji! We completed the mission" Sasuke says walking into his grandfather figures office. Inside the office was the third Hokage, the Daimyo, and his wife.

"My Tora!" The wife shouted when she saw the young blonde with her cat. The Daimyo smiled at the sight of the blonde as only one man had those blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Here you go ma'am" Naruto says handing over the cat who stirred in his sleep. While tempted to hug him tightly the Daimyo's wife saw how comfortable the cat was in her arms and stopped herself.

"Ah Naruto I assume the mission went well since you managed to catch him in record time" Hiruzen says making Naruto smile. The Daimyo and his wife bid the Hokage goodbye and went towards the Uzumaki compound to visit a certain red-haired female.

"The cat hangs around Onee-San" Sasuke and Naruto say nonchalantly which made the Hokage nod in understanding. He thought about giving them the rest of the day, but this was their first mission this week and while their female teammate might be pleased with the day off the boys definitely wouldn't.

"Jiji, can we have an actual mission now?" Naruto whined slightly as he was tired of doing these chore type missions.

"Yeah, while we understand why we have them I think Onee-San trained us enough to deal with some bandits" Sasuke says. Itachi, Hana, and Tsuna explained the importance of the D ranked missions in teambuilding but the two were going stir crazy...especially since most of their clients make their job unnecessarily harder simply because of Naruto.

"I don't know boys while you two and Kakashi could handle bandits I'm unsure about your teammate..." Hiruzen says glancing at the pink haired female.

"I think they're ready lord third...besides if you trust the boys I could defend Sakura-Chan...and if it went really wrong, I could defend all three" Kakashi says making Hiruzen sigh again. He looked through the missions before landing on one that shouldn't be too hard.

"Alright then Kakashi I'm trusting you...I have a C rank mission to escort the client to the land of waves" Hiruzen stated.

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