Month 10

412 15 3

3rd person pov
Itachi smiled slightly at the sight in front of him. His red-haired crush was on the ground in front of him with both of their younger brothers playing in front of her. The four of them were in the Uchiha garden as they wanted to just relax together. He was so into watching her be the first person outside of his family to keep Sasuke calm that he didn't notice a female Uchiha his age walking over.

"Itachi-Kun!" He heard which made him turn and look at the female only to see Izumi Uchiha. She's been trying to get close to him for a while and he doesn't understand why as he's literally only met her once beforehand.

"Can I help you Uchiha-San?" Itachi asked. Hearing Itachi speak made Tsuna and the two boys look up at the older boy.

"Bubba play" Sasuke tells Tsuna while Naruto nodded pointing at Itachi and making some baby noises Tsuna could only assume was telling her to go get Itachi to play or he was just copying Sasuke.

"Alright You two stay here. Sasuke-Chan make sure that Naruto doesn't wonder off" Tsuna says not completely worrying as ever since she started teaching Naruto to walk the blonde never crawled off. Tsuna stood up and walked overhearing the girl talk to him which made her frown, but she shook it off and walked closer until she was right next to the Uchiha heir. Other girls were allowed to talk to Itachi...even if it made her feel jealousy on levels she never felt before.

"Itachi-Kun?" She asked making Izumi frown and look her up and down. She believed that she was the only person outside of the main family that Itachi spoke to.

"Huh? Oh, can I help you Tsuna-Chan?" Itachi asked turning to the red-haired girl. Tsuna focused on Itachi but she made a mental note of the look of shock on the female Uchiha's face.

"Sasuke-Chan and Naruto-Chan want you to play with us" Tsuna says and before the male could speak Izumi huffed.

"Yeah, right Sasuke doesn't like anyone except Itachi-Kun" Izumi says but before Tsuna could retort Itachi's eyes widened and he turned Tsuna around. Tsuna was about to question it but before she did, she saw what made Itachi react the way he did. Walking over to them was none other than Sasuke and Naruto with the younger Uchiha gently helping the blonde walk closer. Tsuna felt the world slow as she watched him walk closer to her, so she kneeled down and opened her arms. Seeing this Sasuke let go of the blonde and the blonde stumbled at the lack of support but he looked up and his blue eyes landed on his sister holding her arms open, so he puffed out his cheeks and slowly walked over to her.

"Come on little brother just a few more steps" Tsuna encouraged and those words were all the blonde needed in order to make it into his sister's arms.

"Oh, congratulations little brother! I'm so proud of you" Tsuna says hugging her brother tightly. Itachi smiles and kneels down as Sasuke walks over.

"Good job Naruto" Itachi praised and Sasuke simply giggled happily as all three ignored the Uchiha female who was still trying to talk to them.

"Come on we should tell Auntie Mikoto and Uncle Fugaku!" Tsuna says making Izumi stop and pale slightly.

"Don't forget Tsume-San and Hana-Chan" Itachi added making Tsuna nod and stood up still carrying the blonde who snuggled into the red-haired girl's neck.

"Sasuke come here we're heading to Okaa-San and Otou-San" Itachi says making Sasuke walk over and smile as his older brother picked him up.

*Inside the main house*

"Okaa-San! Otou-San!" Itachi yelled as he walked inside placing Sasuke down onto the ground as Tsuna did the same. They only waited a few moments before Mikoto and Fugaku walked into the room.

"Yes Itachi? What is it you need?" Fugaku asked and Tsuna looked down at Naruto and smiled widely. She was so proud of her younger brother.

"Ok little brother show auntie and uncle what you learned" Tsuna encouraged the ten-month-old. Hearing his sister's gentle tone made Naruto smile and look over at Fugaku who had an eyebrow raised and a curious Mikoto. He used Tsuna to help him stand up before slowly walking over to the two adults. Fugaku's eyes widened as Mikoto gasped and they watched the blonde boy walk carefully over to them. When he was a few steps away from them though he almost fell but Fugaku was quick to react and catch him before he hit the ground.

"Naruto has learned to walk oh that's amazing!" Mikoto finally squealed as she hurried over and picked up Naruto from her husband's hands and lifted him into the air.

"Thank you for catching him uncle" Tsuna thanked only for Fugaku to wave it off with an ever so slight smile on his face.

"Don't worry about it Tsuna after all us Uchiha's look after our own" Fugaku says as the family walks into the living room. They might not have gotten a photo of his first steps, but they could still get some right now.

*Later that night. The boys are in bed and Tsuna and Itachi are sitting on the balcony in Itachi's room*

"Man, he's walking already..." Tsuna said looking at the sky. Itachi was watching her carefully as he always liked the look in her eyes when she looked at stars.

"Mmh he's roughly ten months old right now" Itachi says making her look over at him. The two made eye contact and she smiled and leaned against him making his face heat up slightly.

"So, Sasuke-Chan doesn't like that Uchiha female" Tsuna asked making Itachi chuckle and nod. He saw the look on Tsuna's face earlier and knew she was jealous, but he didn't like the Uchiha female like that.

"Hai, he cries whenever she tries holding him. He always has and something tells me he'll never like her" Itachi explains making Tsuna confused.

"Huh? She said he didn't like anyone but you, auntie, and uncle but he's never cried when I held him?" Tsuna asked making Itachi smile softly and lean against her as well making her blush slightly as well.

"Because he likes and trusts you Tsuna-Chan. He knows he's safe with you" Itachi yawns which makes the Uzumaki yawn in response.

"I don't want to get up Itachi-Kun....I'm sleepy..." Tsuna yawns snuggling into the warmth that was Itachi making the six-year-old male blush.

"Tsuna-Chan?" Itachi asked when he didn't hear her say anything else. He looked over and saw that she was already fast asleep. He sighed and gently picked her up and carried her into his room. He gently placed her on the bed and tucked her in. He thought about sleeping on the floor but then Tsuna would scold him saying he needed proper rest for the academy. So, after he shut his balcony door he walked over and climbed into bed next to her.

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