Into The Academy

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3rd person pov

"No! I don't wanna go big sister!" A seven-year-old Naruto shouted to his thirteen-year-old sister as he hid under his blanket on top of his bed. Tsuna sighed as she watched the large lump on his bed as she had figured that he would react this way to going to the academy.

"Naruto. Sasuke and Kiba are going to be in all the same classes as you so they'll make sure you aren't treated horribly by the villagers" Tsuna sighed as she knew that Naruto trusted the two boys since they called each other brother, with Naruto being the baby brother.

"Promise?" He squeaked he knew why people treated him differently as he met the Kyuubi roughly a month ago and after spending the entire month talking to him normally and treating him like a living being the two became... neutral... towards each other. Kurama has some deep hidden respect for the small family of two though, but he would rather die than admit it. The Kyuubi was watching the interaction in amusement as the blonde was peeking out from under the blanket looking at his sister who stood in the doorway.

"I promise Naruto. In fact, they are downstairs waiting to eat breakfast with you dattebane" Tsuna says making Naruto jump out of bed in a panic.

"They're downstairs waiting for me?! Why didn't you tell me?" Naruto yelped before rushing to get ready for the first day of the academy. Due to an Uchiha meeting and a Inuzuka clan issue the three older siblings will be dropping their younger siblings off.

"I tried to tell you but you were hiding..." Tsuna tease before leaving to let the blonde get ready while she went downstairs and looked at the two older siblings while their younger siblings were sitting at the kitchen table.

"I'm guessing Naruto didn't want to go to school?" Hana asked as he three ninken were laying in the living room as Tsuna had dog beds laying through the living room for them, she even had a fourth one for Kiba's when he gets one.

"No, he didn't ever since he found out about the Kyuubi he's been terrified to leave the compound. Which I can understand" Tsuna whispered so the other two children didn't hear her which made the other two teens nod as they could understand the blonde's fear.

"Don't worry Tsuna. Kiba will be there to protect Naruto from any bullies right Kiba?!" Hana shouts, she was told about the Kyuubi by Tsuna herself as the red-haired female wanted to tell her best friend, looking over at her brother who smiles and nods his head and looks at the red-haired older sister.

"I know I'm just worried about the teachers. Sasuke and Kiba can protect Naruto from other students but what about the Senseis?" Tsuna asked as her chest suddenly felt tight as she started not liking the idea of sending her baby brother away to the academy.

"Don't worry Tsuna-Chan" Itachi says hoping to calm his girlfriend. Tsuna looks at him and suddenly feels like Naruto would be alright. It was a feeling she was used to whenever Itachi tried calming her down.

"Yeah due to clan heirs being in the academy this year a lot of ANBU are going to be there and I know at least the Uchiha and Inuzuka ANBU will protect him as well" Hana explains making Tsuna relax as she knew the Inuzuka female wasn't lying. Just before the older siblings could say anything Naruto came skipping down the stairs. Tsuna walked into the kitchen and grabbed the food she made for them and placed it in front of them as Naruto sat at the table.

"Eat up you three" Tsuna says as the boys thanked her before eating. Itachi, Hana, and Tsuna went and got everything ready for their younger siblings. Which included seeing the ANBU that would be protecting their siblings. Tsuna was surprised when not only did four Uchiha ANBU appeared in front of Itachi, four Inuzuka ANBU appeared in front of Hana, but also two other Inuzuka ANBU and two more Uchiha ANBU appeared in front of Tsuna.

"Wha-" Tsuna started until the only ANBU captain in front of her spoke up while standing up from her kneeled position.

"Lady Tsume and the Uchiha agreed to help protect Naruto by sending two ANBU each. I'm the captain Ferret. The other Inuzuka ANBU is Bear. The Uchiha on my left is Lizard. Then the Uchiha on my right is Frog. We will gladly protect Naruto with our lives you do not need to worry for his safety in our hands" ANBU Ferret says making Tsuna teary eyed which made the four ANBU panic until Itachi hugged her and Hana spoke up.

"Don't worry she was just worried about sending Naruto to the academy but seeing that you four clearly care so much about protecting him as well made her emotional" Hana explained which made the ANBU relax.

"Big sister! We're done eating dattebayo!" Naruto shouted making Tsuna pull away from Itachi so that her brother doesn't worry if he spotted her crying.

"Alright come get your bags you knuckleheads" Tsuna says wiping the tears away. Once the ANBU disappeared the three kids ran into the room.

"Ok let's go kiddos" Tsuna sighed while the older siblings give their younger siblings their bags. Once the younger kids were ready they left the compound. Naruto stuck close to Tsuna as they walked through the village.

"If I don't pick you up I want you to stick with either Kiba or Sasuke ok Naruto?" Tsuna asked when they made it to the academy. Naruto looked at his two friends and nodded allowing Tsuna to sigh in relief. The kids ran inside with the ANBU following after them while the older siblings watched them run inside.

"So when is Jiraiya coming home?" Hana asked making Tsuna sigh while she tried to ignore the Nara clan head, Yamanaka clan head, and the Akimichi clan head walking over to them.

"He said he's been hearing somethings about a possible big threat so he's checking it out so maybe next week dattebane" Tsuna explains as the three of them walk away to attempt to avoid the three clan heads but they couldn't as a Nara ANBU appeared and stopped them from walking. Tsuna turned and faced them with a blank look.

"Can I help you three?" Tsuna asked raising an eyebrow. These three clan heads said they'd look after her and her brother should anything happen to her parents, but they didn't.

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