Month 12

457 11 4

3rd person pov
Tsuna dropped Naruto off with her uncle Asuma Sarutobi so that she could get the blonde's first birthday party set up. She waved goodbye to the two before rushing to the Inuzuka's compound and once she was inside the compound she went straight to the main house to let Tsume, Hana, and baby Kiba know that the blonde was now distracted, and they could go into the Uzumaki compound for the baby's first birthday.

"Ok Tsuna we'll go how about you go tell the Uchiha's?" Tsume asked making the red-haired female nod and walk out as the Inuzuka clan main family got ready for the party. She ran through the woods in order to avoid the civilians, the normal ANBU, ROOT, and Danzo. She finally made it to the Uchiha compound, Tsuna made a mental note to talk to Hiruzen about moving the clan back to their original compound, where she was met with the Uchiha clan wishing her and her brother another good year which made her smile as she knew if anything happened to her at least her brother would have the two clans and her Jiji.

"I need to speak to uncle, auntie, Itachi-Kun, and Sasuke-Chan are they at the main house?" Tsuna explains making a Jonin Uchiha nod and sunshin her to the main house in order to save time.

"Thank you, Uchiha-San" Tsuna thanks, while bowing which made the Jonin smile and the two separated. Tsuna walked into the house and saw Mikoto walking around the kitchen with something, Fugaku was making a list about something, and Itachi was holding Sasuke watching his father.

"Guys. Naruto is with Uncle Asuma, so we have a few hours to set up" Tsuna says making the adults jump as Itachi spotted the red-haired female.

"Already?" Itachi asked making Tsuna nod and Mikoto washes her hands and dries them with a towel in the kitchen.

"Hai. I've already stopped by the Inuzuka's and they should already be at the house waiting for us" Tsuna says making the three Uchiha's nod as Sasuke was asleep. Fugaku gave his oldest son the list while taking his youngest son from him. Mikoto came out of the kitchen carrying a small brown box which Tsuna assumed was the cake Mikoto insisted on baking.

"Let's get going than" Mikoto explained as everyone nodded and they left the house quickly in order to get to the Uzumaki compound.

*At the Uzumaki compound. The adults were setting up the party as Tsuna took a break and walked into the garden towards the Uzushiogakure flower*

"It's already been one year since Okaa-San and Otou-San died...their last moments were used to protect Naruto. So as an Uzumaki of the royal bloodline and a Senju I vow to always look after and care for my brother" Tsuna whispered as she nicked her finger on one of the thorns the ritual was seen as a blood bond to whatever they vowed. She smiled and walked back into the house in order to help where she could help.

"Tsuna! Ok we could use your help!" Jiraiya said which made the red-haired girl jump as she didn't think the white-haired Sanin would be back in time for Naruto's birthday. She jumped up and hugged him.

"Pervy Sage! I didn't think you'd make it. I thought you'd be here next week due to those rumors going around" Tsuna says looking up at him. He chuckled and ruffled her hair before placing her down.

"Are you kidding? I told you that you and your brother are my number one priority of course I'd be here" Jiraiya says making the six-year-old smile.

"Alright then you can help set up! Uncle Asuma and Jiji said they'd watch him for a few hours, so we only have a few hours to get ready!" Tsuna tells her godfather who nods as he looks around to see where he could help.

*2 hours later. The party is set up and Asuma and Hiruzen are walking over carrying Naruto*

"Ok their coming! Is everything ready?" Tsuna asked and everyone nodded as they looked around to see that they were done setting up.

"Ok Tsuna everything is ready calm down everything is going to be fine" Mikoto comforted her goddaughter. The six-year-old sighed as her crush and best friend walked over and comforted her as well.

"Alright I'm calm. Everything is calm and everything is fully set up so your right I need to calm down" Tsuna says to herself before she heard a knock at the door. Everyone looked at the door and took a breath as Tsuna walked over and opened it slowly. On the other side of the door was Hiruzen, Naruto, and Asuma.

"Come on in birthday boy" Tsuna says speaking to her brother while opening the door allowing the two adults and the baby to walk inside. Once inside of the building Naruto looked around while seeing all of the decorations. He didn't understand them, but he liked all the different bright colors.

"Picture time" Mikoto says pulling out a camera and pointed it towards Tsuna, Hiruzen, Asuma, and Naruto. Everyone slowly started relaxing as Naruto walked around getting used to everything. After playing with the kids his age Naruto was confused when his sister picked him up and handed him over to the white-haired male.

"Time for cake!" Tsuna says making everyone gather around with Mikoto having a camera ready to take a picture of the blonde's first birthday.

*After the cake is ate and Naruto was cleaned up*

"Ok I think it's present time" Hiruzen says holding out a gift. Tsuna nods and everyone hands the blonde's older sister their gifts for the blonde.

Itachi gave the baby a hand painted fox mask. He stated it wasn't just from him but also from Shisui who couldn't make it to the party due to a mission.

Sasuke and Kiba didn't give him anything.

Fugaku gave Tsuna a beginner level kunai training set for the blonde to use when he's old enough which Tsuna couldn't help but chuckle at as she knew the brown-haired male couldn't give a sentimental gift if he tried to.

Mikoto gave him a handmade scarf it matched with the scarf Kiba and Sasuke got for their birthday but each of them had their own clan's symbol on it.

Hana gave the baby a cute little hat that had a puppy and a fox chasing after a black bird on it. Tsuna couldn't help but smile as everyone understood who the animals represented.

Tsume's gift was a realistic wolf plushie that Naruto instantly refused to let go of which was a bit difficult since he was also holding onto his bear plushie.

Asuma gave them some basic taijutsu scrolls for when he's old enough. Tsuna put them with Fugaku's gift to put them away so Naruto can't get them and hurt himself.

Hiruzen gave him two plushies he had made that looked somewhat like Minato and Kushina which made Tsuna smile sadly.

Jiraiya gave Naruto a little frog wallet, which looked like the wallet he gave her when she was younger except it was a different color, which made Tsuna giggle as Naruto looked at it before placing it on his head.

Then the last gift was from Tsuna, and it was a box that she got out from the top shelf of a closet. No one but the red-haired female knew what was inside it.

"This is not only from me but from Okaa-San and Otou-San" Tsuna says as she opened it and inside was a handmade blanket. It looked like her blanket but his was an orange background with a darker red swirl.

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