Wave Mission Pt. 4

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3rd person pov
The ANBU quickly surveyed the area around the house for any threats but found none. So, they had the Genin, Tazuna, and Kakashi brought into once they were sure that the place was secured.

"Kids I want you to meet my daughter Tsunami" Tazuna introduced and when they heard the name the two male Genins stopped. They looked at the young adult...she kind of looked like...

"Okaa-San..." Sasuke whispers to his blonde brother figure while Sakura and Tsunami chatted about something making Naruto nod in response to his black-haired brother.

"Boys" Crow says quietly before kneeling to the boys so no one could overhear them. He informed the boys that Itachi wanted them to speak to them privately, so they nodded and excused themselves before following Shisui upstairs. They make it to one of the empty rooms where Itachi was waiting with his mask off.

"Nii-San?" Sasuke asked, they were allowed to call the casually now since Itachi didn't have his mask on and seeing this Shisui took his mask off as well.

"Tsuna-Chan asked me to pass a message to all of us" Itachi spoke gaining the attention of the boys. It must be either helpful or important if Tsuna asked for it to be passed on a mission.

"What is it Nii-San?" Naruto asked looking up at the two adult males who sighed and sat on the bed that was in the room they knew that Tsuna was informed about their situation since Hiruzen definitely would've told her.

"She wishes to inform you that she's asked Jiraiya about Gato and received some information about him. He's a dirty businessman. I'm sure you've already figured it out but he's willing to hire even rogues to do the dirty work. According to your sister Gato has no fighting skills himself and is a coward though the men he hires will give trouble...While your sister worries for your safety, she does acknowledge that being in harm's way is your job so all she asks is for you to come home in one piece" Itachi says and the boy's nod. They know Tsuna worries, to an almost overprotective level, though they are glad that she wasn't ordering them home.

"We'll be careful Nii-San...is Bakashi ok or do we have to plan for him to be out the rest of the mission?" Sasuke asked the black-haired older brother who sighed and shrugged.

"I believe so...he's merely tired himself out as an experienced Jonin he should be up in a few hours" Itachi says making the boys nod.

"Nii-San am I allowed to go hunting? Or do I have to stay inside?" Naruto asked. Tsuna always said it was rude to stay with someone during a mission and not offer help. While he wasn't the best at chores such as cooking or cleaning, he could hunt and track and bring at least some food back here, which from what he's seen about the village would be a great help.

"Yes, you may Naruto, but I want you to stay nearby and if you spot any enemies, you come back understood?" Itachi says nodding before looking at Shisui.

"You go with him I'll stay here and get the report from Kakashi" Itachi ordered making the older male nod and follow Naruto outside to hunt.

*With Sasuke who went downstairs to check on Sakura. While they don't like her mother Tsuna, Itachi, Mikoto, and Fugaku scolded them about how they needed to give her a chance*

"Sakura are you alright?" Sasuke asked, he might not like her mother, but he wasn't going to be needlessly rude to her, making the pink-haired girl stop talking to Tsunami.

"Huh? Uh...yeah Sasuke-Kun I'm fine" Sakura says slowly as she wasn't expecting him to ask her that. Sasuke nods and looks at Tsunami.

"Hello ma'am I'm Sasuke Uchiha and the blonde that just left is Naruto Uzumaki" Sasuke introduced, Tsuna told them not to use Naruto's full name until the blonde was Jonin level, and the black-haired female smiled.

"Why did Naruto-Kun leave?" Tsunami asked and Sasuke blinked before telling her what their older sister told them about helping around the house when staying with a family for a mission.

"Seems like he was raised right...be sure to thank his parents for us" Tsunami says smiling and Sasuke frowns.

"I'm afraid that isn't possible...Naruto was mainly raised by his sister" Sasuke explains making everyone, including Sakura, go quiet.

*With Itachi a few hours later*

Itachi was sitting next to the bed meditating...something he found himself doing during spare time as Tsuna would teach Naruto to do it in order to keep his emotions in check and he picked it up since she suggested it as a way to help all of them keep emotions in check...especially since Naruto was sensitive to their emotions. He opened his eyes when he heard a noise come from Kakashi and looked over at the silver-haired male.

"Itachi?" Kakashi groaned when he saw the black-haired male who looked at him with the same blank face, he normally gave everyone except his family and trusted friends.

"Kakashi-San. We're at the bridge builder's home and you've been out for a few hours" Itachi informed the Jonin who slowly sat up and looked around.

"And the Genin?" Kakashi asked as he looked at the ANBU captain who simply sighed and went to stand up from his spot on the ground next to the Jonin.

"The Genin are fine Kakashi-San. Naruto and Crow are out gathering anything edible from outside, Sasuke is chatting with some other ANBU agents about defensive stances, and Sakura-Chan is helping Tsunami-San clean up" Itachi explained making Kakashi tilt his head.

"Tsunami-San?" Kakashi asked making Itachi nod and dust himself off before turning and grabbing his mask off of the nearby desk.

"Hai, Tsunami-San is our client's daughter...he has a grandson named Inari somewhere, but we have yet to meet him" Itachi explained before putting his mask on and leaving the room. While he respected the silver-haired Jonin's skills he didn't personally like him anymore, so he went to check on the kids.

"Weasel-San" Tsunami says making Itachi stop in his tracks and look at her seeing her slightly worried face...which reminded him of Tsuna a little bit.

"Yes?" Itachi asked and Tsunami walked over to him, Itachi could see what Sasuke meant when he mentioned she looked like Mikoto.

"Is it safe for Naruto-Kun to be out this late? Since he's in a new place...I mean this village isn't the safest place for newcomers" Tsunami asked and Itachi nodded.

"Hai he's with one of my shinobi. They both have orders to come back if they spot anything unusual" Itachi informed to calm her nerves, a skill he's picked up from dealing with Naruto and Tsuna, and she took a breath.

"Is there any way I can ask one of you to look for my son Inari? He should've been home by now..." Tsunami says and Itachi nods.

"Muskrat go find the kid" Itachi ordered and the ANBU nodded their head and left in a puff of smoke. Just then Naruto and Shisui walked in with fish, rabbit, and some berries.

"Tsunami-San we brought things for dinner" Naruto said smiling and Tsunami gasped and lead them to the kitchen where Sakura helped them clean and prepare everything.

*Hours later everyone was gathered and eating food when Inari said how none of them knew suffering which made Naruto stop...sure his sister made sure the villagers didn't hurt him, but they still tried and sometimes even succeeded...and sure he didn't personally, know his parents, but he still knew of the hurt his older sister and everyone around him went through by losing them*

"Inari-Kun...It's not nice to comment about things you don't know" Kakashi chimes in making the Uchihas and Naruto look at each other they didn't argue with him as he was right but Kakashi being the one to make the comment irked them, nonetheless.

"They are right Inari just because they haven't gone through exactly what we have doesn't mean anything" Tsunami scolds her son while Naruto looked deep in thought about something.

"Naruto-Kun is something the matter?" Itachi asked making the blonde look up from his food and nod.

"Yeah...can I be excused?" Naruto asked and despite being confused Itachi allowed him to go outside. Shushi went to follow but Itachi held out his hand.

"He clearly needs time to himself...he knows to comes back if anything happens" Itachi explains making Shushi hesitate but nod reluctantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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