Month 6

487 15 1

3rd person pov

"Mu..." Naruto babbled while looking at his reflection in the mirror Tsuna placed in front of him to keep him occupied while she finished her seal studying before her godfather came back from Kumogakure. Tsuna glanced up and saw her baby brother sitting in front of the mirror with his hand on the mirror and he was babbling away to the mirror. Tsuna smiled softly before quickly finishing the last seal she was studying so she could play with her brother who was starting to get the hang of things slowly but surely.

"Naruto-Kun" she said, and the six-month-old baby stopped babbling at the mirror and looked at his older sister.

"Bah?" Naruto questioned making Tsuna laugh for a second before calming down as she still finds it funny how he reacts to her without speaking actual words.

"Auntie Mikoto and uncle Fugaku are coming over with Itachi-Kun and Sasuke-Chan to help make a proper crib so we can put the bassinet away since you're getting too big for it" Tsuna says picking up her brother and going over to the window. Naruto looked out the window in awe as the normally bright outside was now gray and dull with water coming from the sky.

"No outside time for you today Naruto-Kun. Maybe if it stops raining, I'll try to find somewhere" Tsuna says making her brother look at her at the sound of his name.

"Wa" Naruto says making Tsuna look at him confused as she had no idea what he wanted from her since she didn't know what he was saying.

"Wa?" Tsuna says back making Naruto move his head thinking that his older sister completely understood him.

"Tsuna-Chan?" A female voice says from outside making the six-year-old walk over to the front door. She placed her ototo down so that she could answer the door. She opened it and saw the Uchiha family as Naruto sat on the floor next to his sister.

"Ohayo" Tsuna chirps making them smile. She picked her brother up and let the other family inside before she placed Naruto in his baby swing. Once he was secured in the swing Tsuna gave him the faded yellow bear which he happily took.

"Aw Naruto-Kun is still so adorable! We still have what two hours until his nap time?" Mikoto asked making the red head nod her head. Mikoto unsealed another baby swing for Sasuke and placed it near Naruto's swing. Itachi placed his younger brother in the other swing and secured him in it before giving him his matching faded black bear.

"How about we chat for a little bit?" Mikoto suggested making all of them nod and gather in the living room.

"So how is Naruto growing since we last talked?" Fugaku asked looking at the red-haired six-year-old who smiled.

"Ototo knows his name and reacts to it. He likes playing with the mirror and I've noticed him attempting to crawl around...he's also starting to understand pattycake so that's another thing" Tsuna summarizes for the Uchiha family.

"How does he feel about outside? Sasuke seems to be fine as long as Itachi is with us" Mikoto says making Tsuna pout and look out the window.

"He likes going outside and looking around but since it's raining today, I decided not to go out" Tsuna sighed sadly as she was looking forward to bringing her younger brother deep into the Uzumaki compound to show him a flower that only bloomed during this time of year. It only grew in Uzushiogakure but her mother found a way to get some to grow deep in the Uzumaki gardens.

"Ah!" Sensing his sisters distress Naruto cried out letting the bear ear fall from his mouth. Tsuna smiled at her younger brother.

"Yes, Naruto I know I promise when it stops raining and becomes warmer, we'll walk around the garden" Tsuna sighs making Naruto giggle. He didn't understand what she said all he understood was his name and that she was no longer distressed so he was happy. The rest of the group spent an hour catching up and chatting peacefully until they decided that Mikoto and Tsuna would make lunch while Itachi and Fugaku went and made the crib for Naruto.

"So have I told you about the female Uchiha that is trying to get Itachi's attention?" Mikoto asked making small talk and Tsuna stopped after all Tsume and Jiraiya had told her that the civilian council was already planning to put her into the CRA when given the chance so anything to do with Itachi was important to her.

"Oh, tell me more please?" Tsuna asked as she gathered the ingredients her godmother told her to from the fridge and cabinets.

"Yes, though I don't think he notices her or cares much about her" Mikoto sighs knowing that her son had a crush on the red-haired six-year-old, but both were busy focusing on their younger siblings at the moment.

"Oh, I pity her then" Tsuna sighs out in relief. She knew she liked Itachi it was just she knew that she had to focus on her jinchūriki brother for the time being.

" Tsuna how are your studies going?" Mikoto asked as she knew that the toad Sanin was teaching her about seals since as an Uzumaki and daughter of the fourth Hokage sealing was in her blood.

"Pervy Sage says I'm doing good for my age but from what I know I'll need to start working on my penmanship. I can understand a seal perfectly fine but due to my sloppy handwriting I can't make anything other than beginner level seals" Tsuna says handing her godmother the ingredients before peeking out of the kitchen and checking on the two babies really quick.

"Yeah, handwriting is a pain to get better at, but I think if you ask Fugaku he might be able to help?" Mikoto suggested looking over at the doorway where Tsuna came back from checking on the babies.

"I'll do that some other day for now let's just focus on one thing at a time" Tsuna says rubbing the back of her neck and Mikoto stopped for a second as she swore that she could see a transparent Minato behind her rubbing the back of his neck. One thing everyone close to the kids has realized Tsuna looks like Kushina but she acts more like Minato meanwhile Naruto looks like Minato but from the few social interactions he's had that he could play during he's acted more like Kushina.

"Auntie Mikoto. Can I ask you something?" Tsuna asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence making Mikoto put the knife she was using down.

"Yeah of course you can ask me anything. What's up Tsuna-Chan?" Mikoto asked looking over at her goddaughter.

"Can you please be careful around the civilian council and elders...I have a bad feeling about them" Tsuna warned making the older Uchiha nod. She'd tell her husband and clan to be careful around them as well. The look in Tsuna's eyes were serious so it wouldn't hurt to be careful around them for the time being.

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