starting from scratch pt6

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you and your mother wake up it seems to get colder you think about staying but the warm air is slowly blowing away you put on your warm clothes and leave you go to the gas and stop to stock up not forgetting to wave back to your friend  on your way out it starts to rain all the snow turning to mush walking n the ran being a refresher the first time seeing ran n a long time entering the house and siting in the dimly lit house looking out the window as the sky goes from a darkish pink to a deep swamp green the landscape changing as well the green hew sweeping the mist too now the chiller air now moist and sticky the rain now slowing in place to a light drizzle before you can think there's a light knock at the back door its your eye friend you smile and open the door you tell him to come in and sit down you all eat some leftover food and talk about things from are world and there's  you all talk little more before he says he needs to go you say your farewells and he leaves you both go upstairs and watch some tv ending the day with a sigh of relive before there's a knock on the door you wake up and put the blanket over your mom and go down stairs grabbing the old  flashlight coming to life  with two taps on the table top you go to the door and find a cat? It purrs and rubs up against you going faster and faster grabbing it makes it lick you you grab a towel and put it over the cat it jumps on you and won't let go you put your shirt and it runs over to it and rubs it's self against it not stoping pace you go up stairs and say you will deal with it tomorrow you go to sleep and hope for the best

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