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*the next morning*

I wake with a little jolt, feeling semi trapped in a nightmare. The house I'm in, and the couch I'm sleeping on is unfamiliar to me. The whole room is dark, making it almost impossible to see anything. My eyes adjust to the darkness and I can vaguely make out a semi familiar set of shoes tucked under the coffee table. I sit up quickly and look around for a light. There's a lamp on the stand next to the couch I'm on. Leaning back and dragging myself towards it, I finally manage to twist the little switch until the light flicks on. The room is flooded with a soft, warm light. I turn around too take a look at where I ended up falling asleep.

The dark figure of the man from the hotel lunges towards me, growling.

I wake up screaming, thrashing around. I land with a thud on a carpeted floor. I can feel someone rushing towards me, but I scramble away as fast as I can, trying to get a hold of my surroundings.

"Faith!" Someone yells

I don't look in their direction, instead tucking my head in my arms and pressing my face into the carpet as I try to catch my breath. I'm shaking like a leaf, bordering on hyperventilating. A large, warm hand presses against my back. I whip around, wild eyed, searching for my 'assailant'. I'm met with Zak's worried face, much to my relief.

"Are you okay?" He asks gently

I shake my head no.

"Okay. I'm here. It was just a nightmare. Did you hurt yourself when you fell?"

Another shake no.

"Good. Take a deep breath for me, you're safe here."

Inhale, hold, exhale. One big deep breath. Inhale, hold, exhale. Another breath. I can feel my body starting to relax as I slow my breathing down.

"Feeling a little better?" He asks

I nod a little.

"Good. Can I help you up? I don't want you on the floor." Zak says

I nod again, turning around to face Zak and allowing him to wrap his arms around me. He lifts me with ease and carries me back to the couch. Only once he makes sure I'm comfortable does he take a seat next to me. He leans back, legs outstretched, hands folded in his lap. I mimic his hand placement and twiddle my thumbs.

"You wanna talk about the nightmare?" He asks gently

I take a moment to think about it. Reluctantly, I nod. I keep my gaze down as I hear Zak get up. He's sitting down a moment later with a pen and pad of paper. I take them both and place them on my lap. Quickly, with my left hand, I write out what I dreamt.

'My dream was about the man from the hotel being in the house. I was awake and turning the lamp on and when I turned around he was lunging for me and growling I guess. Scared me.' I scribble

I hand the pad over to Zak, who takes a second to read it.

"Oh... I'm sorry, Faith. That must have been really scary for you. I promise you're safe here, I've made sure of it." Zak says handing me the pad of paper again.

'How do you know that for sure?'

He reads the page.

"Before I was able to bring you home, I took a deeper look into your file. We still don't know too much about your past, or what happened to where you ended up on the side of that road in the middle of the night, but we do know a little more about your family. Your real family." He explains

'My real family?'

"They were some big time graphic designers, but you know that huh? Well, they were also a big part of their community. Donated to charities, helped build shelters for people in need, donated money to causes all around the world when they could. They were really good people, Faith. They loved you so much, they had a foundation named after you, to help children in need, people still donate to this day and the people who ran it when you were a baby are still sending out donations to kids all around the world." Zak says

Just have Faith {EDITED}Where stories live. Discover now