Prologue 1

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Takemichi could feel his head go on mute, he was unable to hear anything other than the thunderstorm pelting around him on the so-called battleground. His blue eyes became dimmer as time passed on, and more and more blood dripped from Draken's bullet wound.

His vision tunneled as Draken's words repeated themselves in his mind. 'It's not because you came back to the past. Of my own will I sacrificed my life for you. Please take care of Mikey.'

Takemichi's back turned cold, his sweat trickled down from his nape disappearing into the rain-soaked shirt. A ringing in his ear was all he could hear as his eyes got dizzy.

This was not supposed to happen! What was the use of coming back if the people he wanted to save died anyway?

Fists clenched by his side, Takemichi walked forward until he was standing right by Draken's legs and fell on his knees. No amount of muscle was enough to keep him afloat. His body drooped over the older guy as if trying to protect Draken from the rain.

Had a Toman member been there they would have noticed how the glint that made their Crybaby Hero a hero faded and darkness took its place. Had a Toman member been there they would have been able to stop the consequent action.

The dark blue eyes searched Draken for something, any indication of a live pulse, but gave up as Takemichi felt his heart break. I can't do it. I wanna run. I don't want to be here. I don- A blond boy interrupted his thoughts.


Tears formed and dripped from his eyes. All he wanted was to save his most precious friend. Why was Mikey the one who got the brunt in all the futures? Bonten!Mikey and Manila!Mikey looked so alone as they begged him for help. They wanted him to stay, but he was never at the right place at the right time.

All he wanted was Mikey to be happy.

A bulb lit up in his head as his inner monologue finished. Why was Mikey the one who bore the weight for everything?

Takemichi's eyes widened as he looked around Draken and found the item. The gun.

The answer was so simple and right in front of him!

Save Mikey, save Draken, save Chifuyu, save Naoto, save Hina, save Emma, save Izana, save Baji, save Akkun!!

It all started with one death.... Save Shinichiro!

Takemichi hoped his gamble paid off as he clutched the gun in his shaking hands. He took the safety off and turned the barrel towards his head. After all his powers worked the best when he was dead.



Takemichi looked confused as he glanced up. A white-haired girl was stumbling towards him, her face aghast.

He smiled brightly as he always had and said, "Senju! Tell the others to not worry. I will save everyone. Just let them know that I loved them and would take care of everything."

"Hey, no. Stop! Please don't kill yourself. Brahman will take responsibility for Draken and South. Hana-Takemichi please don-"

Senju's voice choked as a second gunshot pierced through the ground and her beloved friend dropped beside Draken.


Sounds of motorbikes echoed as the Rokuhara Tandai and the Kanto Manji gangs surrounded the Brahmans with the two fallen men as their epicenter.

Boisterous laughter filled the silence as South walked up to them and kicked Draken in the chest. Disgust filled his face, "We arrived just in time to Draken's Requiem. Even if it's disturbed by a rat rotting next to him. Let's start the Armageddon!"

The Brahman stepped in line behind Senju, Takeomi eager to fight in revenge but all Senju could see were her friends asleep, never to wake up again.

"Ken-chin was not supposed to die. I disbanded Toman for this very reason." A whispered line shrouded the ground back into silence.

Invincible Mikey, the very man Takemichi and Draken were trying to bring back, stepped off from his Babu and walked towards the downed men.

South tried to interfere but got taken down by one kick to the temple, "You are not worth my time. Get out of my sight."


Koko and Sanzu were quick to fight off the other delinquents trying to get a piece of the rumored King. Mikey on the other hand only had eyes for Draken.

He crouched down and slipped his palm on Draken's cheek. "I wanted you by my side. As my right hand, my brother-in-law, my family. Ken-chin...why am I always alone?"

The skin was cold to touch and he could feel the control on his dark impulsivity plummet. However, before the last strand of depravity could escape, his palm touched another. It was warmer than Draken's face.


Mikey was angry with his hero, there was no reason for him to come back. He knew Takemichi would come back only for one person, now that Hina was safe from Kisaki.


Mikey touched Takemichi's face and muttered, "Stupid, I gave you the video for a reason. I am not going to be saved Mitchy. I am not worth all the deaths."


Manjiro Sano was born into a big family. He had many siblings and friends. But by the time he turned sixteen, all of them were dead. He was meant to be alone.

Takemitchy was an exception to this rule, the only one who could live despite being near Mikey. This gave Mikey hope, but it shattered looking at the scene in front of him.

"Mitchy, I wish I could have told you how I felt. But now I am slipping and everyone will die. I am so-I am so sorry. I tried to be good. For you, I did. I really did."

Words fell from his trembling lips and his hand tightened on Takemichi's face. He wanted everyone to be happy. But how could he now?

A static went through his hand and shocked Mikey into lifting his hand off Takemichi.

Mikey frowned and looked down at his hand, "What was that?" The sound of rain stopped and he looked up, he was suddenly in a strange white space.


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