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Authors Note: So a lot of this will be relationship buildup, personal growth, normal life, etc. for a bit so I'll be able to emotionally damage y'all later XOXO

Another Authors Note at the end!

Norman strode into Otto's lab and glared at him.
"What the hell was that?" He asked.

"What the hell was what?" Otto asked, taking off his goggles.

"You got too close to my daughter."

"You heard what she went through, I was there to comfort her-"
"And then what were you going to do?" Norman snapped.
Otto looked at him, shocked.
"I would never do anything to her Norman you know I wouldn't." Otto pulled him into a hug.

"I just-I just can't lose anyone else." Norman sniffed.

"I know... I know..." Otto patted him on the head.

"And I'm sorry I accused you of anything other than helping y/n, I mean you see her as a daughter to you, right?" Norman continued.

"...Right." Otto lied, he didn't know how he felt about you, but he never wanted to see you as a daughter to him, that didn't feel right. But he knew Norman needed to hear what he wanted to hear.

"I need to start getting paid if I'm going to be the Osborne's therapist." Otto joked.

Norman chuckled. "You don't want to unpack Harry's baggage, Otto."

Otto shook his head. "Is there anything else you need from me?"

"No. You keep on working." Norman rubbed his eyes as he walked out. Otto gave a small smile as he put his glasses back on and continued working.

You open the door to your townhome, you forgot to tell Otto that you moved, it wasn't like he was coming over anyway. Either way, it wasn't your townhome, it was basically the animals at this point. Your bird, Olivia flew towards you, she was an Eclectus Parrot, with bright red feathers with dark blue undertones and a jet black beak, she reminded you of Spiderman. She climbed on top of your head and her eyes dilated as her head bobbed up and down, she was happy you were home. You smiled as she started whistling "Take on Me" you kept the radio on for her so she wouldn't get bored, you knew she wanted treats though, you smiled as you handed her a shelled macadamia nut, hopefully, that would keep her occupied. You went into the Reptile room and took out your personal favorite animal, a ball python named Monty. You got him after your mom died, he's been with you through it all. He wrapped around your neck and gave a relaxed puff, you went through your animals, changing their bedding, water, and food as well as enrichment. Monty would just stay draped around you, even though it was a lot of work you loved taking care of them, they were all from bad situations, and you were happy to save them and give them a better life. You set down the ball pit for the ferrets and put the chinchillas in their dust baths, you restocked the chews and put Monty away.

That was how the rest of the week went, you caught up on the National Geographic Magazines and then gave them to your animals to shred. You also got some foster kittens, they still needed to be bottle-fed so that ended up taking up a lot of your energy. Luckily Olivia loved them, as usual, she would coo and pet them, it was adorable. And your cat, Bip already decided to be their surrogate mother, you just had to monitor their health as well as feed them, it was a lot of work but you enjoyed it, you couldn't stop working, and if you stopped taking care of them, who would? They needed you, and it felt good to be needed. You dreaded going back to work, you didn't know how you were going to handle the treatment of their animals, ideally, there would be no animal testing. But you knew how stubborn your father was, and all you could do now was be their advocate. You looked at the kittens and Olivia, who got along well enough with the animals, but you knew she wanted to be with you. You gave a smile and grabbed your old lab coat, you wanted to wear Ottos, but yours already had a special perch for Olivia, you put it in your backpack to wear later. You tapped your shoulder and Olivia squawked excitedly as she flew to her shoulder, you put the kittens in their carrier, Bip in the other, and stuffed Olivia's foldable perch, food, water, and towels, as well as some treats in your bookbag along with the kittens heating pad, soft blankets, and bottles. You left the townhome, Olivia perched on your shoulder, the tiny kittens mewling in the carrier. You could hear Bip meow back, trying to comfort them. You sighed, you didn't think you would be where you were now, but you just had to make the best of this.

Authors Note:

So a lot of the animal stuff is based on my own experiences, I did an internship at a zoo and I'm currently volunteering at a parrot rescue so I just put a lot of animals in here because it's my story and I don't see that many animals. And I love animals so yeah.

Also here's where I get sentimental, I've been just in a strange spot mentally, emotionally, and socially. I had the cringe 13-year-old phase where I wrote fanfiction (it's deleted go away) and I never thought 5 years ago I would go back to writing fanfiction and such but it's become my way to escape again. I just needed to embrace my cringyness I guess. I'm very private about it and a lil' embarrassed but y'all make me feel better overall. Which is why a lot of the titles and summaries are just shitposts I don't know

I'm ranting so thanks idk.

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