Imma Drop Kick Every Child Within a 30 Mile Radius

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You woke up next to Otto, his arms were still wrapped around you, keeping you safe, secure, and protected. You just wanted to freeze time, and live in this moment forever... Because you knew this couldn't happen again. You were vulnerable, you were helpless last night, and although it was hot as fuck and the best night you've ever had... You couldn't forget that his machine blinded you, one that he was too proud to admit wasn't ready, he still gave you bruises, he still kidnapped you, he still fought Spiderman, he still- the list went on. You loved him so much, but you loved yourself more. You had to stay on guard, he was unpredictable, and you've had enough of unpredictable... It must be that thing at the back of his neck, his change was too sudden, and there needed to be some sort of reason. And you were going to find it.

Otto pulled you closer and sighed, you smiled.

"Good morning my dear." he cooed in your ear, his hands started to travel down your waist, you stopped him gently and turned to face him.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" you asked.

"For once I actually did...I haven't slept that well ever since..." he didn't need to finish his sentence for you to understand what he meant.

"Well I'm happy you slept well, if that helps you get a good night's sleep... maybe we should try it again." you teased, Otto smiled as he moved his hand down some more, and you stopped him again.

"No, as much as I want that... You need to answer my questions from last night," you said.

Otto sighed "I had hoped you would forget..."

"You can choose which one to answer first."

"You are relentless my dear..." he paused to think, you loved it when he called you my dear.

"You know what? I think we should have breakfast-"

"Otto." You warned.

He sighed "It was my father... He was a drunk, an angry drunk. My mother was... well she couldn't do anything about it. I'd rather be hurt by him than my mother. So I took it." he told you bitterly.

"Oh, Otto..." you muttered, who would do such a thing?

"He found me crying one day... I forgot what it was about, but he asked if I was hurt, and I said no. He then..." he made a slashing sound. "Right along my chest... He was drunk, he told me that he taught me a lesson, that men don't cry unless they're bleeding on the ground, and even then he said real men took it..." he let out a pained laugh, you hugged him.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked, it wasn't my business and-"

"Don't be, he's dead, my mother's dead... a heart attack," he explained.

"I've had my work, my projects. So I worked on those, then I met your father in college. I would go on for days without eating, your father would drag me out and make sure I took care of myself..." he smiled.

You wondered why he never did that for you, before Monica was a bitch she was the one who told you to take care of yourself... And then the animals were your reminder.

"It doesn't affect me, the scars. I just prefer hiding them."

"Is that why you hid them with foundation?" you asked.

"You saw that?"

"It was obvious."

"Oh... I'm not the best at makeup," he admitted, you laughed and hugged him.

"It was nice to share that with you though, you're so easy to talk to," he whispered as his hands started to continue down, you stopped him again.

"There were two more questions." you reminded him.

"What is this, an interrogation?" he complained.
"Otto," you warned.

"Fine..." Otto obviously didn't want to talk, but you had to know.

"What's that broken metal thing at your neck? Is that your-"

"Yes, it's my inhibitor chip." Otto finished.

"That's not supposed to be broken." you pointed out.


"Well, then why don't you fix it?" You suggested.

"Well-I don't have the proper equipment-" he started.

"You're literally building a multidimensional portal."

"It isn't affecting me, I'm still fully in control."

"I don't believe you."
"Well you don't have to believe me, because I'm not lying." he lied.

You scoffed. "Sure. Now my last question... what did you mean when you told me 'they'll all pay?'" you asked.

"I was in the heat of the moment I didn't think-" Otto stammered.
"Don't play dumb."

"...I have no idea, it's their plan," he gestured to those stupid actuators. "They told me to focus on the microversal collider, and then they'll explain it to me once we're finished."

"That's a shame since I'm never letting you turn that thing on," you told him.

"You're turning something else on..." Otto smirked as he ran his hand down your body, you giggled as you pulled him into a kiss, he pulled the covers over you two and dug his hands into your hair.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

The Power You Have- Doc Ock (Alfred Molina) x AFAB Reader (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now