The Bird Now Has A Gun

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"I made us dinner," Otto said.


"Do you want to sit and eat?" he motioned to the table.

"...Sure, can you help me get there?" You asked. You felt the actuator wrap around you and you cried out in pain, why wasn't your spider healing or durability or something kicking in? The actuator set you down and you groaned.

"Are you ok?" Otto asked.

"Why do you care? You've been using that-that thing to pick me up all the time!" You hissed.

"I thought you were exaggerating... I told them to be gentle." he glanced at his actuators, who shrugged.

"Well obviously they didn't listen," you said.

"I'll help you to the table."

"Thank you."

You saw him walk over, the actuators were not happy, he helped you up and you limped over to the table, his hands were rough and strong, you knew he wasn't going to let you go, and for a minute you believed your Otto was back.

That was until the actuators knocked him on the head and he plopped you unceremoniously onto a chair and pushed a spoon in your hand.

"...Spaghetti?" you asked, smelling the pasta dish, you tapped on the table with your spoon.


You felt the other side of the eating utensil and frowned. "How the hell am I supposed to eat spaghetti with a spoon?"

You asked

"I don't trust you with a fork."

"You know I could easily use a spoon to scoop your eyes out, Otto... Then you'd be like me."

"Or you could eat with your hands?" Otto suggested.

You glowered as you threw the spoon in his direction, you started eating with your hands just to piss him off.

"What do I have to do to have you on my side again?" Otto asked, fed up.

"Stop being a raging psychopath who kidnaps old ladies and blind people? And stop fighting Spiderman?" you offered.

"Spiderman fought me-"

"Because you robbed a bank!"

"I did it to build the reactor!"

"Which failed! And you knew it would, but you listened to those...those things anyway!"

"I didn't have a choice! They were going to kill you if I didn't and-and I'll do anything just to shut them up for a single moment." Otto cried out.

You paused. "You really mean that?"

"Yes, yes I do and-" one of the actuators clicked at him and he sighed.

"They'll still kill you if we don't complete our mission."

"Great... Do you have any napkins?" you asked.

Otto handed you a napkin and you cleaned up.

"Is there anything else you need Otto? If not I-I should go to sleep."

"It's only 7.."

"Well my body's been working to heal me and... other things so it feels like 2 am for me, do you need anything?" you repeated.

You. he thought, but he kept it to himself.

"No, no I don't. I hope that you'll... I hope that you'll grow to tolerate it here, I wish it didn't have to be this way y/n, I really do. And I hope that when this is all over... we can start over."

The Power You Have- Doc Ock (Alfred Molina) x AFAB Reader (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now