Catnip? More Like Cat Weed!

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It had been a year since the charity ball, Otto was avoiding you, it was obvious. His lab assistants worked with you when they had to do animal testing and when they asked you about octopus movement for the actuators, you didn't really like those things. Overall you were disappointed, you wished he would love you back, but you couldn't change his mind. You just had to keep on working, you would find someone else, it may not be Otto... but there were 6.2 billion people on Earth, there had to be someone else out there.

"Hey, sis!" You snapped out of it, you needed to be in the present, the presentation was starting soon... You turned around towards the direction of the voice and you saw Harry, you smiled at the sight of Peter next to him, he was holding a plant for some reason.
"Hey, Peter! So nice to see you again, how's college?" you asked.

"I'm um... Not doing the best I could be doing." He admitted.

"That's a...surprise." You knew how smart he was, something must be up.

"I was, I was hoping that you may be able to help me with some of it? Or at least the time management part of it? I haven't had... any time."

"Of course, I can! Let's talk more after the presentation, have you met Dr. Octavius?" You asked, Otto was wearing that dark green turtleneck that you loved under his lab coat, why did he do that?

"Yes, he called me brilliant, but lazy."

"Of course he did. Well, there's a difference between being brilliant and overworked and being brilliant and lazy, and I don't think you're the second option. If I managed to figure it out, you can too, ok?" you gave him a pat on the shoulder and he turned red.

"Peter Parker?" you heard Otto ask, you stepped away and looked down, avoiding eye contact with him, that's what he had been doing, so you might as well do it back.

"Yes? Oh um, hi Doctor." He offered his hand.
"We're past hand shaking my boy." he chuckled, and he glanced at the plant.

"Why do you have catnip?"
"Oh it was actually for y/n, I noticed that her cats destroyed her last plant when I watched them last week."

Otto just gave a nod, a twinge of jealousy crept into his mind, but he couldn't be jealous, this is what he told you to do.

"Very nice, very nice. Well, it is about to start and-"

"Did you check the calculations? The ones I recalculated for you because they looked off?"
"I didn't have time, I've done my homework Peter, and I don't have time right now."
"But I really do think-"

"Peter, I have it under control." Otto gave a nod to Harry as he walked up to the front, he took off his shirt and you immediately turned red, as you looked up you noticed something, was that foundation? Why the hell would he wear foundation? Ok, you had to stop looking.

You've heard his speech being rehearsed over and over again, so you kind of tuned it out, you winced when the assistants were inserted onto Otto, you didn't see why he could have simply had them not installed, they could still help him. He put on his goggles and nodded to his assistant, who turned on the fusion reactor, for a moment everything seemed to be ok, you gave out a sigh of relief, but then everything went wrong, very very wrong.

You remember flashes of what happened, you trying to back away, Otto yelling, but you also remembered the shard of glass that propelled itself towards you, plunging into your eye, you screamed out in pain as you cupped it, you stumbled for a bit, but then collapsed.

"Y/N!" You heard Otto call out.

Everything went black.

The Power You Have- Doc Ock (Alfred Molina) x AFAB Reader (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now