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You and Peter walked to the cemetery, you buried Otto last week, you had no more tears to cry. You had to let go of him, you had to move on. But still, you had to see him, your fists clenched up the bouquet of flowers you brought for him, you set them down on his headstone and you and Peter stood together in silence for what seemed like forever.

Come on y/n... It's time. Venom urged, you nodded and squeezed Peter's hand. You both didn't go home... You just walked with him. You both ended up at central park, sitting on a bench you took out the bag of birdseed you kept to feed the pigeons, you put your head on Peter's shoulder and you both fed the pigeons together in silence.

"I love you." Peter finally said.

"I know..." You had been waiting for this conversation.

"And I know that you and Otto were... involved together and that these past 2 years have been terrible for you, but I've loved you for a very long time, and I just-I wanted you to know that. And if you don't feel the same way about me, that's fine because I value our friendship and-" Peter nervously rambled on until you cut him off with a kiss, your heart beat faster, and heat rushed to your cheeks.

"I love you too Peter... I never thought I would ever love you-"

"Wait, what?" Peter asked, confused.

"But I do. And I deserve to be happy... That's what Otto would have wanted." A pigeon hopped up on your leg, and you smiled.

Can I eat the pigeon? Venom asks, you shake your head.

"Which Otto were you in love with?" Peter asked.

"The old one... Before he put on those damn actuators." You said.

"He was my role model, I wanted to be like him... Not just a brilliant scientist, but a good man."

"You are a good man." You assured him.

Peter smiled.

"So I never had a chance?" Peter asked.

"Well it's not that, it's just you and Harry are so close... And I thought it to be weird the age gap but at the same time I've only dated people older than me... much older."

"We're both two consenting adults who are committed to having a healthy relationship." Peter quoted.

"Yeah... Is Harry ok with this?" You asked.

"Oh yeah, he's wanted us to be brothers for a while now."

"Seriously?!" You snorted.


You and Peter talked together as you fed your growing flock of pigeons, when you were with him, all the bad things in the world were gone. Eventually, you got up and you two walked back to your townhouse, it was getting dark out.

"So..." Peter said as you unlocked your door.

"So..." you smiled.

No, no NO it's feeding night, remember?! Venom interrupted your thoughts and you huffed.

"I'll see you tomorrow at work?" you asked.

"Oh, of course!" Peter looked a bit disappointed, you smiled and pulled him in for another kiss, Peter pulled you closer and deepened the kiss, you smiled as you pulled away, gasping for air. He was a good kisser...
"Goodnight Peter." You waved goodbye as you closed the door.

Thank you. Venom said.
"I seriously think that you could survive one night without me feeding you. I do it to my snakes to prevent obesity." You complained.

I am not a snake! And I cannot get obese! Look at you! Venom snapped.

"That was a low blow Venom." You frowned, you were insecure about your body, and they knew that.

...I'm sorry, I didn't mean that... I'm getting hangry.

"Ugh, fine... Let's get this over with." You grabbed your jacket and left the apartment, sneaking very sneakily through the back alleyway, you tripped over one of the metal trashcans and it crashed over, cursing silently to yourself, you put it back and hurried off.

Peter turned around at the sound... It might have been one of y/n's ferrets, they always tried to escape, he hurried over to the source and hid behind the building wall after seeing you rushing away, why were you out? He knew it wasn't his business... But curiosity killed the cat? He followed you, for as clumsy as he usually was, he was very good at stealth. He watched you turn into an alley, and then he heard a gunshot from that alley.

"No..." He muttered as he put on his mask and chased after you, he heard a man scream as he swung into the alley you turned into, and his eyes widened in horror as he watched the black monster he's been tracking swallow a man's arm, the monster licked its lips and sighed. Peter started to back away, but Venom sensed him. The monster snarled.

"Looks like we have a witness... Or dessert!" The monster charged toward Peter, who was aiming his arm to escape until he heard your muffled voice.

"Venom! NO!" you yelled.

Venom stopped.

"He saw everything! The last time we let someone go the cops were on our tails, I will not let that happen again." Venom turned back to Peter.

"It's Peter you dumbass!" you yelled.

"Don't worry I'll get you a new one." Venom licked their lips.

"VENOM!" You screamed.

"Ugh, fine." Venom disappeared, leaving you disoriented and shaking. Peter took off his mask and stared at you.

"...surprise?" you waved your hands and gave a nervous smile.

The Power You Have- Doc Ock (Alfred Molina) x AFAB Reader (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now