Straw-Hats and the Grand Line

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Great. Just great. I think sarcastically. How the hell am I going to leave this island? 

I jump gracefully from my quickly sinking sail-boat and onto the dock. It had been taking on water since some dumbass cut me off and caused me to hit some sharp rocks. Yeah...he regretted it as soon as I opened my mouth to tell him what I thought.

I hoist my small, brown bag onto my left shoulder and check that my gloves haven't torn. Last thing I want are holes in them. Seeing no problem I nod.

My stomach growls loudly and I groan. I'll get some food then I'll think of a way to get out of here. 

I walk toward the buildings, passing beneath a sign that says 'Loguetown.' At least I know my navigational skills aren't horrid. Although the last island I thought was going to be Cocoyashi village or whatever. I was way off the mark.

While walking, I look at the food stalls and at the same time, try to avoid touching people. Notice the word try. There are people everywhere.

I see a fruit stall which makes the tips of my mouth curl upward slightly and my dull eyes light up. I confidently stride up to the woman manning the stall. "Hello." I say politely.

The woman smiles. "Hello dear. How can I help you?"

I bite my lip. "Um how much for the apples?"

"1000 beri each." (A/N: it may seem like a lot, but 1000 beri=1 dollar aud NOT usd. I think. I was curious and did some research. If you research as well and find different results, then I apologise.)

I nod. "Let me just see how much money I have."

The woman hums in return.

I rummage through my bag and find two 500 beri coins. 

  I put the money on the counter

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I put the money on the counter. "3 apples please."

"Of course." She takes the money, hands me the apples and I leave thanking her.

While I'm here I might as well explore I suppose. I'm in no hurry to go to the Grand Line anyway. I pass an execution platform and take note of it.

I make a few more turns, while doing so I see the execution platform. I continue walking and end up in a dark alley. Outside of a door there's a sign saying, 'Gold Roger Bar.' I tilt my head. A bar huh? I wouldn't mind a drink. I stuff the other two apples in my small bag and walk in, decending the stairs.

"You're going under?" A voice asks. A teenage boy I think.

"No, we're not 'going under.' I've decided to shut it down myself. I'm retiring." An older voice replies.

I walk through the door frame at the bottom of the stairs, revealing myself. "That's too bad then. I was hoping for a drink."

The old man gapes at me. "Two people in one day? And youngsters too."

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