Midnight Island

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 Mei's POV

I guess I'm back to the place where my life turned to hell. The only good thing is, I'm not leaving this ship. No way.

The sky above Midnight Island is dark. Everywhere else on the ocean is day. The reason for this is simple. Midnight Island is a night Island. It's dark 24/7. So growing up here sucked. There was no sunlight.

Another reason why this Island is unique is because it's a floating island. It's like an oversized ship. Rocking back and forth on the waves, going back and forth through the Grand Line. Sometimes it even ended up next to another island and that was the time I could finally feel the sun on my face.

Midnight Island had a huge forest. You can easily get lost unless you know your way around. It was mainly trees and then in the middle of the island was the abandoned village.

There were docks on the north and south of the island. If you approached from the west or east, you'd have to sail a bit further.

The beach was rather large, but no one liked it because of all the rocks that would hurt your feet. On the eastern shore there was a small cave that, when the tide is out, you can go in. If the tide is in, you're as good as dead. And yes. The beach is part of the floating island. Although I think the sand is getting swallowed by the water more and more. Therefore making the beach smaller.

If you decided to go swimming? Well. Good luck with that. Since the island is floating, one second you may be 10 metres away from the shore. The next second you realise you're hundreds of metres away and can't swim back unless the island floats towards you. And since the island floats, that means the beach isn't connected to the ocean floor, so if you did by some chance decide to go swimming...there's no shallow. It's deep immediately after the dry sand on the island.

Also if you dock your ship. Don't worry. Since it's tied to the dock, it'll just follow the floating island. Just don't anchor your ship.

Right now we were about 15 minutes away from the shore and Luffy was bouncing up and down in excitement. Usopp was shaking like a leaf saying, "I have the 'I can't go on this island or I'll die' disease." Sanji was cooking lunch for us. Nami wasn't liking the look of the island. Zoro looked indifferent. Vivi looks excited. Poor Karoo was frozen in fear. I was glaring at the island as if it would explode from intimidation. If only.

As we sail closer and closer my anxiety rises. I didn't want to be here.

I snap back to attention when I hear Luffy yell in excitement. "Finally! We're here!"

"Wonderful." I mumble sarcastically.

Zoro ties the Merry to the dock and goes to throw the anchor overboard. "Wait! Swordsman! Don't." I call.

He looks at me, quizzical.

I sigh. "Don't anchor the ship. Not only is this island a night island, it's also a floating island. It's like a ship, but land. It's impossible to anchor to the bottom of the ocean." I explain.

Luffy looks at me with stars ihis eyes. "It's floating?! Awesome!"

I sweatdrop. "That's not something to get excited over..."

Zoro stops what he was doing and places the anchor back on the ship.

"Mei? How long does it take for the Log Pose to set?" Nami asks from beside me.

I turn to look at her. "A day. Unfortunately."

She blinks. "24 hours? Whiskey Peak didn't take that long."

"Remember that some islands can take weeks or months. A day isn't that long. But on this island? It feels longer. It is dark 24/7 after all." I say.

"H-Hey Mei?"

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