She's a Princess, huh?

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"T-They disappeared!"

The townspeople, better known as the Baroque Works Billions, started to look for Zoro and I. I hold back a laugh at their idiocy.

"So, Mei. Wanna bet?"

I turn to Zoro. "About what?"

"Whoever defeats the most agents wins," he smirks, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I scoff. "I'm so gonna beat you."

"We'll see."

I rush off, leaving Grassy behind.

"So...who wants to die first?" I say, spinning my daggers so fast that they're a blur. Every agent jerks at the sound of my voice. They pale, not knowing how I got into the midst of the crowd. I sigh. "No volunteers? Ok, then."


I quickly dodge, appearing behind the ones that tried to shoot me. I 'tsk.' "How rude." I slice a man's throat and twirl to the next person, doing the same. They fall down.


They come running at me, but I dance around them, stabbing vital organs as they pass me.

"Oi, Mei! How many have you gotten so far?"


Zoro grunts. "Same."

Another man runs up to me, sword in hand. "Bitch!"

He goes to slice my head off, but I duck and swipe his feet from underneath. He falls backward and his head hits the ground and I hear a crack. Sounds like his neck snapped. Looks like it too.

I stand up and dust myself off. "Gimme a challenge, will ya?"

"Hurry up and capture her! It's just one girl!" Igaram commands angrily, however, a katana slices through his hair, the sharp edge an inch away from his face. He doesn't move, afraid if he did, he'd die.

Zoro leans against his back, a cocky smirk on his lips. "Not bad, Mei."

"Told you I could fight, moss head," I retort.

His eyebrow twitches. "Shut up!"

I smirk and sit down on a barrel, placing one leg over the other.

"Let me ask you something...will adding one grave really be enough?" Zoro taunts Igaram.

"There he is!"

"Right here!"

The Billions begin to surround Zoro and Igaram, pointing their guns at them. "Y-You idiots! Are you trying to shoot me too?!" The curly haired man yells, his eyes wide with fear.

I snatch a pistol from a nearby agent and switch the safety off. "Y'know, Roronoa is right. I doubt one grave will be enough." I shoot six people in the head in a matter of seconds. "Might have to add a lot more than one."

"Bitch! How dare you!" A young man with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes yells, a pissed off expression on his face.

I sigh. "One of the guys before called me a bitch...and guess where that landed him." I shoot him in the face. "Oops."

"Igarappa!" Igaram points his trumpet at the people behind him and start firing bullets at them. I quickly dodge the attack, a bullet grazing my left arm, although the Billions weren't so lucky.

However, Zoro and I disappeared once more.

"Now where did they disappear to?"

"Those fiends..."

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