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A year after Akio's death

Mei walks downstairs to the kitchen where her mother was.

"Mum, can I go outside?" She asks timidly.

"Sure. Do whatever you want."

Her eyes light up and she smiles, not expecting that answer. "Thanks."

Mei runs through the dark streets of her hometown, blonde hair swishing behind her little figure. She was heading toward the forest. To her special oak tree.

She passes a small group of kids a little older than her, and in Mei's rush of getting to the forest she accidentally knocks one over. She quickly skids to a stop and turns to the boy she ran into. "I'm so sorry! Are you ok?"

Mei goes to help the boy up but he swats her hand away angrily. "Watch where you're going you brat!" His eyes flash dangerously.

Mei bows. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to knock you over! Are you hurt?"

The boy grins deviously. "You shouldn't mess with us little girl."

"I said I was sorry," she pouts and crosses her arms, oblivious to the dark aura he was emitting.

She shrugs and goes to leave but he and his friends start to surround her. Mei's eyes widen in realisation. She can't believe she didn't recognise them before! They're the group of bullies who beat up the weaker kids. Best not to provoke them. Although Mei is sure she already has... "What do you want?"

The boy she knocked over, Yin, grins and cracks his knuckles.

She's already pissed them off. What the hell, might as well fight back and piss them off more. Mei smirks. "Whatcha gonna do Yin? Punch me? I bet you're so weak a baby wouldn't even cry."

He scowls. "You little..."

"Cutie?" She flips her hair. "Yeah I know I am. It's obvious. Idiot."

He growls and lunges for her. She sidesteps, causing him to get a mouthful of dirt. Mei giggles. "You can't even tackle a girl." She pokes her tongue out. "Idiot."

His friends start to close in. "No! I want to deal with her myself," Yin yells. They back off.

Mei smiles sweetly. "You don't want your minions to baby you? Wow! You're growing up!"

He goes to punch her but she ducks, spins and kicks him behind his knee, causing him to stumble.

He bares his teeth. You bitc-" he cuts himself off because he realised Mei is already running towards the forest.

She skips deeper into the trees and hums a tune.

Suddenly her foot catches on something and she faceplants onto the soft soil. Mei sits up abruptly and starts laughing.

Why do I always trip in the exact same spot?

Still laughing at herself she stands up and continue walking to her special place.

A few metres away from the stump of the oak tree, she looks up.

Mei grins and starts to climb quickly.

Now on the branch they always used to climb up to, she lays on my back, not the least bit afraid of falling. Mei exhales and smiles. "Hey, Akio. It's been a year now." Tears gather in her eyes, but Mei blinks them away. "I wish you were here. Life at home is getting unbearable and it sucks. I really miss you."

She lays there for a few more minutes and then closes her eyes, letting sleep overtake her.


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