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I walked towards the body, no longer needing to lean on things, I didn't even have a limp. The person in the crator did not seem unharmed, scratches and bruises littered his arms and legs. A sword stuck out of the ground into his abdomen, right through it, which I guessed he had accidentally impaled himself with. Ouch. The sword looked eerily familiar, but the blood made it pretty hard to recognize. His skin was almond-coloured, his hair black.

He was face first into the ground, double ouch. But I could notice the lines of stitchwork that stitched across specific places of his body. Mostly his arms and his legs, I couldn't see if there were any on his back, since he was wearing tattered jeans and a tattered white shirt.

A crowd formed around the crator, Beatriz ran next to me.
"Why aren't you in bed?!"She asked.
"Long story, tell ya later."I walked into the crator, approaching the boy like a rabid animal.

I turned his body over, my eyes widening.
"Oh... my... S-Satan."I mumured, in front of me, Atticus lie. He was older now, my age, 20 possibly. His neck was stitched across, reminding me of what I did. His shirt was ripped directly where his heart should be. I then noticed the hearing aid's in his ears, wondering what had death done to my friend.

I grasped onto his face, feeling his pulse. His heart was beating normally, maybe a bit faster,actually. I didn't know, I wasn't a healer.

"Mmmrf... Mom..?"He dazzily looked up at me.
"I'm not your mom."I paused, "How many fingers am I holding up?"I demanded, holding up two fingers.

Atticus focused, like if he answered this question he would win a Nobel Peace Prize and a PhD.

"Fff-four?"He told me, seeing doubles, not a good sign. I checked him for broken bones, when I touched his ankle, he winced.

"Healers! I need healers! Possible concussion, stabbed abdomen, maybe a broken ankle, get him help as soon as possible!"I ordered. A group of nurses picked up the barely-concious boy, basically dragging him to infirmary while he rambled nonsense.

Beatriz and I ran into the infirmary, Edith followed.

"Atticus..."Beatriz mumbled, "How..?"She asked.
"I'm asking the same question..."I replied.

"Who?"Edith tilted her head, right, I forgot she was there.
"That's my..."I faltered. "Friend. He's my friend. But... he died years ago, he shouldn't be here right now."I explained to the child, which didn't help much.

"Jade..."Atticus mumbled, I refrained my heart from bursting out of my stomach. I mean... I really missed this idiot. I loved him. NO! No. I'm dating Beatriz. I can't... say that. I looked over at Edith, who looked slightly overwhelmed by the sight of the boy, her cheeks rosy. Ah, I knew exactly what was happening. Edith had a small crush on Atticus.

I went back to the important thing happening, Atticus.

"What's wrong with him? Is he alive?"I admit, I was pestering the nurses. But I needed information.

"Yeah, he's alive... but... We don't know how. I mean, his body looked recently stitched together, like a reanimated corpse."A nurse informed me.
"Especially his neck! He should be so dead right now!"Another nurse added. I shot her a look, she looked down.

A nurse sanitized his wound, and then bandaged it. Next, a nurse made him drink Hell-fire before putting a cast on his broken ankle. Now... the concussion. There wasn't much to do about that. Now we just had to wait. As the nurses checked his pulse once again, I'm dragged into deep thought.

What if he dies again? What if it's my fault? What if I can't protect him..?

The boy jolted from his sleep in a cold sweat.
"Atticus!"I wanted to hug him, but I didn't want to seem weak, and I also didn't want to cause him any pain.

The Children of Death:Book four, Revived Hero.Where stories live. Discover now