~ Thirteen ~

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Nicholas POV:


My hands covered  smell of crimson blood stung my nostrils. The woman collapsed to the floor. Her Dark brown curly hair fell over her beautiful fair skin. GUILT. 

My fathers hand planted on my shoulder. Well done son...

I woke up. Sweat lathered my body. It happened again. I got out of bed and looked at the time 2:00am. Fuck.  I chucked on some grey trackies and tucked a gun in my waistband, I walked downstairs. I need a glass of whiskey. I walked to the kitchen. The fridge light illuminating the whole kitchen. I pulled my gun out of my trackies and pointed it to the fridge. The fridge closed and I turned on the light. 

Standing infront of the closed fridge was the one and only Mia Monroe in a dress shirt. Only a dress shirt in my fucking dress shirt. Heat rushed down to my dick. Fuck. I concentrated my eyes back on her face. She looked flush. She looked beautiful and fucking sexy... as always...

I asked "what are you doing awake?"

"I couldn't sleep... plus where are the cups again." 

I walked past her and opened a cabinet grabbing two glasses and she looked at me and asked "why are you awake?"

"I couldn't sleep as well." 


"Do you ever stop asking questions."

She lifted her body onto the counter so she was sitting next to the glasses that I set down. I was now looking at her on similar eye level. She asked, "do you ever stop answering questions with questions." 

I walked away from her and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. I brought it back to the cups and poured a decent amount in mine and a little amount in hers. I gave the cup to her and said "your wearing my dress shirt."

She said sarcastically, "no I'm pretty sure this is Romano's."

Inside I smiled outside I looked unamused, I scuffed down my drink, the acid burning down as it went. She looked at me with concern. "What Mia." I asked impatiently.

"Nothing." She said as she scuffed down her drink and she obviously wasn't used to the burning sensation through her reaction. I don't think she likes whiskey. 

I smiled at her reaction. She asked, "is your gun like your safety net or something."


She looked down at the gun and asked, "it looks heavy."

I pulled the gun out and I twisted it around my finger catching it as I gave it to her. I said, "looks heavy but isn't."

Her mouth dropped "Nicholas Santino finally answers my questions."

She placed the gun behind her to the left so it was out of the way. 

I poured myself another glass of whiskey. Trying not to smile at her remark. I looked at her beautiful brown coloured eyes with the hint of green peering through. Huh I've never noticed that.  We just kept that stupid eye contact her breathing faster, I broke it by taking a sip of my whiskey.

"Nicholas... when did you first kill someone?"

The woman collapsed to the floor. "I was eight years old." Mia just went silent. I looked at her and she was looking at me with apologetic eyes. "Don't feel sorry for me." Nobody should feel sorry for me.

Her sweet voice escaped her lips, "well I do, I feel sorry for you." I backed away from the bench and put my glass away. 

She shouldn't feel sorry for me. She should feel sorry for the woman who died that night.  I already know Mia killed her uncle it's not that hard to find out these days but that's fucking different. 

I couldn't help but ask, "When was your first kill."

Her body tensed under my question then she did the most fakest laugh and said "I've never killed anyone." 

I walked over to her and spread her legs on the counter, my hands touching her bare silky smooth thighs so I could stand in between them my palms planted on either side of her hips, holding her stare. I'm thanking god right now that the dress shirt is long enough to cover the panties behind. I just want to make her crumble under my touch. "Your uncle, you killed him didn't you."

Mia said softly,"you said you would drop it."

She shook her head her eyes welling up. Tell me Mia. "He was abusive and you hated him but you were forced to look after him. The pills Mia, you tried to save him but he got mad so he tried to kill you. But you stabbed him and he bled alive. You killed him in self defence."

A tear escaped from her eye. Mia what are you thinking. She shook her head two tears now escaping her eyes. Mia I swear if you fucking carried the guilt for his death. She moved her face closer to mine. My heart pounding. She said ever so softly, "I fucking hate you." 

All I could respond was with, "ok amore." I wiped the tears from her face. She swatted my hands away. 

Why did I fucking get hard from this from her mad and angry at me. Mia looked at me and said, "you can be so inconsiderate."


"I hate how you treat me so bad."

I looked at Mia's lips. I fucking need to touch her. 

"I hate how you make me feel lesser than you."


"I hate how I liked you today, how I thought you were... caring and funny and nice."


Mia tilted her head back in annoyance. "Say something else to me."

I smirked as I met her eye contact again, "I fucking hate you too."

She looked like she was gonna punch me in the face. I fucking love it when she's angry. My heart beating faster than ever. Mia's chest heaving up and down. I licked my bottom lip. I need her touch more than ever. 













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