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Nicholas Santino POV:

Five years ago

"I'm getting married Nico." Cathalina's stood in front of me with a big smile on her face. I nearly spat out my whiskey. I leaned against my office desk. I stated, "Cathalina Santino you're only 18!" Not realising how angry I sound. 

She laughed and said "So." I furrowed my brows. "Who's the man?" I asked, wishing to put this man on my kill list. Cathalina gestured for me to take a seat so I did. I sat opposite her on the leather couches to the right. Her voice squeaked as she spoke the name I hope she wouldn't say, "Grayson Di Laurentis."

I knew she fucking liked him. She looked guilty for liking him. Grayson has been my longest friend, I mean we've known each other from birth but I knew he always had a thing for Cathalina. The only words I could think of was, "congrats on the engagement." I stood up and she smiled. Cathalina gave me a hug but I just stood still. I don't like to show emotions or hug or anything. It makes me weak. At least that's what father kept saying. She nearly left the door and then paused, "our wedding is next week." I rubbed my temples, of course it's fucking soon. Fuck me, where's my alcohol.

2 days later

I made my way to fathers office, he asked for me saying that it was  something important. I knocked on his door and walked in. He was standing reading on his phone as he gestured for me to sit opposite him, the desk in-between us. I sat down in his black chair and he sat down in his. 

"Why did u ask for me?" I asked, bitterness struck every word. 

My father put down his phone looking so fucking calm it scared me, "I need you to kill a mole in the family." 

I nodded as he past a minnella folder across the wooden desk. I opened it, my emotions formed into a twisted knot. My heart palpitating way too fast. 

I stood up from the chair pushing backwards as I dropped the folder onto the desk. I ran my palm against my face. I shouted "cazzo di merda (bull ...fucking... shit) ." Father stood up as well. 

He pointed at me and shouted, "do not fucking say that to the don of the family."

"I will kill you if you fucking kill Grayson and ruin Cathalina's only way to happiness."

"Do not fucking doubt me son."

I mocked him with an annoying voice "Do not fucking doubt me son.... Bullshit father, what has he done. Huh. Grayson has been in this family for ages and your doubting his loyalty for calling him a fucking mole."

Marcello picked up the minnella folder and read the description. "Grayson Bernard Di Laurentis, Age: 21, Born on the 6th of September 2001. Work: Michael Price. Caught finding information on Nicholas Santino computer stopping the weapon import. Americans finding database to the dealership and stealing $5 million worth of weaponry  Using Cathalina Santino to get into the Italian mafia. Build they're trust then break it."

I felt like the world was breaking under my stare. Fuck... Fuck... Fuck where is the fucking alcohol.

"How do you know that's reliable." I stated in denial. 

"There was always something suspicious about him so I sent out a talented detective by the name Cerci . She recorded this audio when she was undercover as an American trader talking to Grayson. " He played an audio clip on his phone.

Cerci: "Whats your plan."

Grayson: "Marry Cathalina I know she's obsessed with me then take down the mafia from the inside."

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