~ Twenty Eight ~

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Corrupt By Penelope Douglas 25 mentioned!

1 day later...

I stepped out of Cathalina's car and I saw the prettiest cabin ever. I fast walked inside and did a 360. It was small and beautiful. I said, "this is amazing, I can't believe this is your safe house." Cathalina grunted as she set her luggage inside. A 5 hour drive that was so worth it.

Cathalina smiled and said, "you're staying with Nicholas."

My heart dropped and I furrowed my eyebrows as I said, "no, I'm staying with ya'll like good old times."

Cathalina raised her eyebrows as she said, "it will be a good 'making up time' for you both."

I turned around and sat on the leather couch they had, "I'm not staying with Nico he is unbearable for two seconds how am I going to put up with 1 week of being in the same room as him!"

Bryce walked in and said, "Prince Charming is here."

I rolled my eyes and tried to make a run to the bathroom but I heard Nico say, "Miss Monroe hurry the fuck up we don't have all day."

I turned around and looked at Cathalina and said, "what about Dominic can't I stay with him?"

Cathalina and Nico both said at the same time, "fuck no."

Nico said, "he would try and fuck you."

I crossed my arms, "so what, at least Dominic would get it done, unlike some people."

Bryce said, "not the shade."

Nico and I just stared at each other, I finally took in his attire. He's wearing his usual attire. The intimidating black dress long sleeve shirt rolled up to his elbows and black pants. How boring like his personality. Cathalina said, "Mia if you actually need help we'll just be 30 minutes away."

I looked at Cathalina and stood up to say, "you've got to be crapping me, 30 minutes away!"

Cathalina said, "Nico will look after you and protect you."

"No he wouldn't, he is the definition of..." I mimicked his voice, " 'I'm mister I don't care about you or you and I hate everyone' type."

Nico said, "Mia."

I gritted out, "Nicholas Santino."

Cathalina said, "Mia, Nicholas, I politely ask you both to leave so Bryce and I could do stuff."

I looked at Cathalina and said, "fine."

I walked around the couch to Nico and past him. I went to Bryce's car but Nico said, "I already put your stuff in my car."

I diverted to Nico's Audi and got in the passenger seat. Nico was already sitting inside and instantly drove off which made my body jump a little. I looked at him then back at the road. Why would I want to start a conversation.

30 minutes later...

We were finally in the cabin and this one looked identical to the other one. I finally looked at all of it. The upstairs had a hallway and two doors on opposite ends, one bedroom and bathroom on one side and the other was identical. Thank the lord for two bedrooms.

I walked back downstairs and Nico was on his phone the suit cases in the living room. I walked over to my suitcase and rolled it to the stairs. How am I going to get it up the stairs?

I looked over at Nico and he was on his phone still. I don't need him I can do it by myself. I grabbed the suitcase by the handle and walked back wards up one step. Why is it so gods damn heavy. Then I realised. 

Frick me, all of my books... That is the culprit.

I tried to take it up another step but I nearly slipped. I heard a low chuckle from behind me and I looked at Nico who was laughing at me. He asked, "need help?"

I said, "no."

I rested my arms for a few seconds and then continued it to take my suitcase one bag at a time. I eventually got all of my 2 suitcases up the stairs in like 30 minutes. I walked downstairs with my book Corrupt by Penelope Douglas and I sat on the couch as I opened it up. Then I heard Nico move and I tried not to look up. I couldn't help it I looked up and Nico was walking up the stair case with two of his large suitcases one in each hand. Like it was the easiest job ever. What the flip!

I blinked twice and a little bit of anger riled up in me but I pushed it back down and kept reading. Then Nico came in and sat on the couch that was to the side of my couch. He sat there with his phone as he looked like he was messaging people. I leaned against the armrest so I was facing him. I propped my legs up and leaned my book against them. 

Chapter 25 of Corrupt came along and Rika and she said something important to Michael in the steam room. I swear Michael if you do not admit it back imma hit you.... Oh crap spicy scene...why is Kai here. My legs clenched and I felt heat rising to my face. Oh crap this is a flipping threesome...Michael entered from behind.

"What are you reading?"

I looked up and Nico was looking at me. Oh lord how long has he been looking at me. I swear I'm all hot and bothered that was too much.

"I'm reading a book that's about pirates." I pointed at the skulls on the front cover.

Nico just nodded his head and smirked, "I didn't know that book was about pirates, is that like you're kink or something."

I closed my book and stood up as I said, "no, why would you think that."

"I can tell from you're body language the way that you clenched your legs together and bit you lip and flustered. Also your uneven breathing..."

"I'm just really hot."


"I am."

"Ok Miss Monroe don't get so defensive."

I gritted out, "I'm not defensive."


I looked at Nico and he looked at me. I carried my book to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and an apple. Nico then walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and an apple. 

I said, "what are you doing?"

He looked at me and said, "I'm getting an apple amore."

"You're getting the exact same thing I just got."

Nico dropped the apple and put his palm on the island opposite me as he leaned in, "oh I didn't know it was your property."

I clenched my jaw and said nothing. I bit into my apple and swallowed as Nico said so casually, "you're going red again still thinking about your newest kink."

"Why are you so bothered about my kinks."

"I don't know when I'll need to please you next."

I started walking away and turned around as I said, "you didn't please me last time you left me and for me that is a red flag and a turn off combined."

"You're sill going to hang onto that."

I stepped closer to Nico and said, "yes, just because you saved me or helped me doesn't mean I'm going to let go what you did to me and pretend we're normal I'm not that stupid."

Nico stepped forward and actually said in a sincere voice, "I'm sorry, I'm an asshole for leaving you like that."

I looked at Nico grabbed my book and walked back upstairs. I closed my door. I don't need his apologies or anything from him I'm totally fine...



Short chapter again sorry....

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