The fight (kind of building the story not much Douma in it)

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Location: Infinity Fortress

Date: February 17th, 2020


Akaza regenerates and glares daggers at Daki. "What. The. FUCK."

"Do not speak to my sister this way-"

Gyutaro doesn't even finish his sentence before Akaza punches Daki into another part of the fortress with unnatural speed so she can't even react. We hear a loud sound come from the other side of the fortress which attracts everyone, including Muzan's, attention.

"What was that?" The demon lord looked slightly concerned.

"You... you.... UNFORGIVABLE!"

Gyutaro uses his sickle and throws it at Akaza's head. Douma, who was now fully regenerated was completely in shock from what he witnessed. He had never.. felt like that.

Gyutaro and Akaza broke out in a huge fight while every Uppermoon and Muzan watched. Finally, it became too much and Gyutaro's boyfriend, Kaigaku, tries to stop the fight but Akaza kicks him back. The fight worsened because Gyutaro was even angrier.

Soon enough it was so bad that even Muzan himself couldn't stop the fight no matter how hard he tried. Muzan got very angry when Akaza accidentally punched him.


Daki got back and everyone turned to her instead of Muzan. She suffered injuries from when Akaza punched her across the fortress that weren't yet healed.



Daki looked guilty. "Akaza punched me because I cut his arm off so he wouldn't bully Douma, that's what started this."

Muzan thought for a moment.

"I would like to speak to the following. Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki, Kaigaku."

"Kaigaku? Why?"

"Did I ask you Gyokko? If you must know, he interfered at worsened the fight."

Everyone ended up leaving and Muzan looked like he was trying to stay calm

"Akaza. Why were you bullying Doum-"

"Cmon he's annoying is that reall-"

Muzan did something and Akaza fell to the floor while his face slightly cracked. "Douma you may go. I should not have made you stay here for nothing."

Douma smiled and Nakime teleported him away. [Nakime got a signal from Muzan saying to do that she isn't there]

"Daki, how did Akaza- er- bully Douma?"

"He kept punching his head off when Douma was just asking how Akaza was doing"

Muzan glared at Akaza then back at Daki

"So you sliced off the arm he punched with?"

"Correct but then he regenerated and punched me into the back of the fortress into Gyokko's-"

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY PRECIOUS POT?" Gyokko screams across the entire fortress

They ignored that and continued. "Daki please stay a little longer."

Daki nodded. Kaigaku was still regenerating from when Akaza took his sword and chopped his leg when Muzan turned to him. "Kaigaku. You knew the fight was deteriorating but you interfered. Why?"

Kaigaku looked quite annoyed. "I thought I could stop the fight by talking it out but I got pushed away before getting the chance."

"Your dismissed."

Kaigaku didn't want to leave Gyutaro so he kissed his cheek and got teleported.

Muzan closed his eyes for a moment. "Gyutaro. I'm disappointed."

"I understand sir. I was mad that he threw my sister and hurt my love. I wanted to make him feel the pain that he made them feel."

Muzan considered. Daki looked at Gyutaro in awe. "Bullish-"

"Daki and you are dismissed."

Akaza looked pissed while Nakime teleported the two Uppermoon siblings away.

Now it was just Akaza and Muzan.

"Akaza. I have no words. You bullied your superior, ASSAULTED not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR of your fellow uppermoons. YOU PUNCHED ME."

Akaza was getting more cracks on his face as Muzan stared at him. "You are not to go and hunt. Your to stay here and I'll make sure Gyokko checks up on you. He has a secret pot in every room so he can check up on troublemakers like you. Now be gone."

With that, Akaza was teleported to his room.

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