Ass nuggets, yum yum

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Shoutout to @ChifuyusAssnuggies and GreenRubyyy for solving the stupid ass math equation





Here you go:

Douma was walking across the fortress when he saw Nakime who he recently found out is dating his younger daughter, Daki. "Nakime! Where is Daki?"

Nakime stared up at him. "Like I said in the GC. I don't know."

Douma nodded and started to walk away with slight worry. Nobody had seen Daki today, not even her girlfriend or brother and she is usually always around them. Since Muzan can read thoughts, he heard Douma's thoughts and asked all the uppermoons except Douma to an Uppermoon meeting. "No Uppermoon has seen Daki in the last 24 hours, so I am asking you all to find the Lowermoons and ask if they had seen her."

Everyone went and the person to find Daki was Kokushibo. He walked to Rui's spider demon house and saw Daki having fun with the sister and Rui. The sister seemed happy to see Rui having fun so she was able to have fun. 

"Daki. Everyone had been looking for you for hours, why didn't you say you were going to play with Rui?"

Daki turned and Rui gasped at the presence of Kokushibo. Then Douma popped up behind Kokushibo.

"Daki! Where were you? Are you ok?"

Daki just looked at them. "I thought I told Kaigaku, maybe I didn't."

Kokushibo said he would talk to Kaigaku but Daki asked if she could stay with them a little bit longer. "Yes of course!"

Everyone returned and shared their information. When it was Kokushibo's turn, he told them about Daki and Rui and how Kaigaku supposedly knew. 

"She didn't tell me? She's talking crazy shit right now!"

Muzan asked to talk with Kaigaku and they had a very loud argument in the office, so loud that when they tried to just go in their own room they heard it. Soon enough Kaigaku's voice went short and Gyutaro was sitting in Douma's room and Douma was brushing his knotty hair.

"I'm sure he is fine my little boy!"

Gyutaro slightly smiled at that, he liked when Douma gave him kid names. It made him feel loved.

Akaza walked into the room and sat with the other two guys and they were all talking about the taste of humans. They debated on gendered taste.

"Woman taste so much better than guys!"


Gyutaro didn't have a preference. He mostly ate fingers but he also liked blood, entire arms and especially the heart. "It has the best tasting blood."

Soon enough Gyutaro went to go check on his sister and Douma and Akaza were left in the room. "I know I like eating woman but I would eat you any day and enjoy it more than a woman"

Akaza just looked at Douma like that was the most normal statement. Muzan came in their room shortly after.

"Come with me if you would.", Pointing at Douma.

"Can Akaza come too?"

Muzan just rolled his eyes. "I don't give a fuck, just come with me."

So they went with Muzan. "Kokushibo? Crying? I don't understand?"

He walked away, Muzan following.

"What did he want from us? It's their drama-"

Then they picked up a scent of blood. They followed it to Muzan's office. 

"Oh my"

Kaigaku was spread across the floor, quite literally. His limbs and blood were all over the place. 

His two eyes were on the devil statue, right on the tips of the horns.

 "No wonder his father is so mad at Muzan. I would be really mad if you did that to one of my children."

Akaza nodded, and they walked away. "Gyutaro can we talk?"

"Ya sure"

The couple figured that Gyutaro didn't know about Kaigaku since he was acting like it didn't happen. They opened the door and that's when Gyutaro's nose crinkled. "Ew, too much bloodshed. What the hell?"

Douma gave a saddened look. "Akaza I can't tell him!"

Akaza grabbed Douma's hand and gave a small kiss on his lips. "Well Gyutaro.."

"What? You getting married or something? Your acting like you just got engaged but your scared to tell me."

Akaza went over to Gyutaro. "Sadly that's not the case."

Kokushibo walked into the room. "Sorry Gyutaro but remember when I tore you from limb to limb?"

Gyutaro nodded.

The couple left the room as Kokushibo went on to explain what happened and Douma cried at Gyutaro's cries. Akaza was there the entire time. "Douma it's ok, Kai will regenerate and Gyu will be fine! You need to stop being a baby and toughen up."

To make Douma feel better, they made out that night. Akaza could barely walk after but Douma was happier and that's all that mattered to Akaza

"Help me would you? I can barely walk after that!"

Douma laughed and "movie kissed" Akaza in bed and they slept together that night.

(Imma brighten up the mood a bit)

-during the night- (Akaza POV)

I turned. Douma looked peaceful so I went to go to my bedroom but realized I can't walk, so I just stayed. Then Douma let out this huge, loud ass snore that probably woke up the Americans.

Then he kept doing that.

Soon enough, Douma let out a huge yawn and woke up. "Stop snoring so loud!"

Akaza didn't want to piss off Douma because Douma could easily overstimulate him. "Sorry Douma"

Douma huffed and went back to bed. I giggled under my breath as he drooled and when night finally came he woke up. "You snore really loud! It hurts my ears!"

I chuckled and kissed him and when we stopped he asked the funniest damn question:

"What's so funny?"

Omg the chapter is 950 words long-

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