Chapter 7

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The moon was shining at you and Sakonji. Silence was very still. You both were staring at Sakonji with a horror expression.

"That... that can't be true! Muzan isn't my father! He can't be! He's the one that killed Tanjiro's family, even my grandmother! I can't be the daughter of that murderer!", you yelled out.

"I'm sorry but it's true.I wish it wasn't...", he said softly.

Tears began to fill your eyes, you just couldn't believe that the man that killed Tanjiro's family and your grandmother would be the one to call "Father".

Sakonji walks toward you and bends down to his knees. He put his arms around you and gives you comfort. "It's ok... Your grandmother wouldn't want you to cry for some cruel man."

You wipe the tears and look at Sakonji. "He will never be my father! For what he has done to the innocent people, I'll make sure that the last thing he'll ever see is me and Tanjiro cutting off his head!", you said with confidence.

Sakonji have a nod and stood back up. "Then it's time you get back to training!", he said.

You also gave a nod and stared back to the moon and did your best to make sure you are the light to the moon.

6 months later...

Trees were looking beautifully as always, flowers blooming from the bushes while the bees came buzzing to the flowers.

Soft wind coming through the forest, then there is Y/N, enjoying the wind running through her hair and skin.

Feeling the cold breeze that makes her calm, she looks up to the sky seeing the lovely clouds.

"Spring sure is beautiful! Right Tanjiro?", you questioned.

"Tanjiro came from behind a tree, "It sure is Y/N! They always surprise us with such pretty things."

He walks next to you and looked up at the sky as well. "So did you succeed to become the light yet Y/N?"

"Yes... yes I have! Last night while I was relaxing near the cliff, the moon began to shine brighter than it has before. Then the necklace that I have began to glow as well! I can't quite explain it, but I have to say... it was lovely."

You picked up the necklace from your neck and observed it once more. "Grandmother would've been proud of more if she was here!"

Tanjiro put his hand on your shoulder, "She would've been more than proud!", he said in his happy voice.

You looked at Tanjiro and have him a side smile. "Well! Let's not waste any more time! Sakonji is probably angry that we are making him wait!".

"Oh! You're right! Let's go!", he was about to start running till you stop him. "Wait! I must do something first!", you yelled out.

"What is it?", he questioned. "Look over there!", he quickly took a look, but didn't see anything. When he looked back to you!

You were gone.

Till he looked forward and see that you were running ahead. "Hey! That's cheating Y/N! Wait for me!", he yelled out.

You were the first one to meet Sakonji while Tanjiro was a little behind.

"Tanjiro! Why are you 1 minute late! Better have a good explanation!", Sakonji yelled out fiercely.

"Um... I-I um...", he said stuttering while sweating. Then Sakonji hit him above the head with a hard stick. "Still too slow on answering boy! Have I not taught you anything!!", he kept continuing on hitting Tanjiro with the stick.

"I'm sorry Sir!!", he cried out.

You chuckled quietly.

After all that. Tanjiro ended having a bump on his head. Sakonji was quiet for a second till he began to spoke.

"I did all my teaching for you two! You both have passed every technique. Now it's time for the last test.", he started walking to a foggy forest.

We were heading to a place you and Tanjiro never been to. You were quite curious on where he was taking you to.

Then he stopped at a huge rock in front of him. "This is the only way you will go to the Final Selection."

"You must slice this huge rock in half."

You and Tanjiro were just looking at him like he was crazy. Slicing that huge thing!


Tanjiro joined in,"YEAH!!! IT CAN'T POSSIBLY BE SLICED!!!"

Then you both were hit on the head.

"Silence!!! This is how some demons head will be! Like a rock that can't be sliced, but everything is possible! I sliced it in half myself even my Stu-...", then he went silent.

You and Tanjiro looked at him worried.

"I taught you two everything you need to know. Now it's up to you! Succeed can become demon slayers.", he started walking into the fog and disappeared.

Silence again

"That's was a dramatic exit", you said.

Tanjiro stood up and picked up his sword. He held it high and tried to slice it but failed.

"This is gonna be hard.", he stated. "Yea it's a huge boulder! It will be impossible to slice that huge thing!", you put your hands on your head in frustration.

You then picked up your sword and do the same thing as well. 

But failed as well...

You and Tanjiro then you kept repeating over and over agin till your arms grew tired.

"This isn't working at all! How are we gonna slice it up!", you said in frustration again.

"Don't give up Y/N. We can do this!", he smiled.

"You guys sure are weak..."

You guys turned to the rock and see a boy sitting on it. He had some pink hair with a mask covering his face. "Who the heck are you!", you questioned.

"Someone who is just watching you fail miserably.", he stated out. That boy just met y'all and is already insulting you both.

"How are you gonna survive through the final selection of you can't even slice this rock", he pat the rock.

He then grabbed his sword and went toward Tanjiro. Tanjiro went to defense and blocked the attack.

"Cant even handle the sword pretty well can you?", he said while still attacking him.

"TANJIRO!!!", you yelled out. You we're gonna help till someone came right to you. You were able to block the attack and went backwards but still standing.

"Hello! I see me and you are gonna be fighting.", a girl said with a smile, she had black hair alone with the mask above her head.

"Who are you two!", she went toward you again and started fighting each other.

"We are here to help! You just need some more trying to accomplish your goal!"

Back to Tanjiro and the boy, still fighting each other as well. "HOW ARE YOU BOTH GONNA ACCOMPLISH IF YOU CANT EVEN FIGHT!!!".

Demon Slayer:Love Never Dies (Remake) Season 1 Tanjiro x Reader [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now