Chapter 14

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The moon rises up to the sky shining along with the stars. The town lighting up.

In the forest Y/N was lighting up some fire to keep warmth. The crow was on a tree branch watching.

Y/N threw in more sticks to make the fire bigger. She sits down and watches the sticks slowly burning into the flames. She turns her head to the boar guy who was laid conscious.

She had him lean onto the tree covered with Y/N's Haori. He still had his boar head on.

'I hope I didn't hit him too hard..',Y/N thought to herself. She went through her bag,took out some rice buns along with some raw meat.

She grabs a random stick, sticks the meat on it and let's the fire cook it up. She takes a big out of the rice bun. 'So good!'.

"AHHHHHH!!!" A shouting rage scares Y/N. "HAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU THOUGH YOU COULD BEAT ME!!!"

He jumps to attack Y/N again but she was quickly to react. She gets up and grabs his arms. Turns and flings him to the ground.

"AHHH-" before he could finish. He felt his mask being removed. "Wow... You look like a girl." He sees Y/N upside down.

"YOU'RE GONNA PA-!" A rice bun was shoved into his mouth. "Here eat some rice bun. You look hungry. And I'm making some meat. After we're done then we'll continue."

He stood there for a minute looking confused. Then started to chew slowly. His eyes sparkled and started to chomp on the rice bun till it was all gone.

"Wow... when was the last time you ate?"

"I don't know"

"How do you not know?"

"I don't know"

She stared at him like if he was being for real. She grabs her bag and pulled out some fish.

"HOW DID YOU THOSE FISHES?!" He yelled on the top of his lungs.

"There was a river near by. I figured I catch some fish for us to eat tonight. I wasn't just gonna eat rice buns."

"GIVE THEM TO MEEE!!!", he leaps foward towards her. She got up, grabbed a big branch and swing it at him. He falls backward.


He sits up and just stares at her. "Now are you going to behave and let me cook the fish?"

He slowly nods. "Thank you." she sat back down and started to put the fishes on the sticks. Letting them sit on the fire and get cooked.

"How long do we have to wait?" The boy complains.

"We just have to wait for awhile. These things take time. You are very impacient. Did anyone teach you to be patient or learn some manners?"

"Nope! I was raised in the mountains by my mother. Who is a boar!"

She looked at him again with the look as if he was for real. "You were raised by a boar? But you are wearing a dead boar head."

"Thats my mother."

"YOU ARE WEARING YOUR DEAD BOAR MOTHER'S HEAD?!" she looked at him in shock. What kind of a person was he?!

"Yeah. I'm wearing as a sign of respect."

"That's weird but I'm not going to get into it. I'm just gonna fishing cooking these fishes."

She then sees blood leaking down the boy's face. Probably swing the branch a little too hard. She reachs into her pocket and grabbed some bandages. Reached for the rag that was hainging on the tree.

"Let me see yor head."

"What?Why? Are you trying to fight me again?"

"No! Blood is leaking out. I got to bandage it before you lose more blood.



He puff. Leaned his head towards her. "Thank you. It wasn't that hard."

She uses the rag to wipe off the blood. Then wraps the bandages around his head.

"I forgot to ask... What's your name?"

"Inosuke Hashibira! Yours?"

"Y\N... Y/N L/N."

There stood silence while Y/N was still wrapping the bandage on Inosuke's head.

The fire was rising cooking up the dishes. Letting the smell get to both of their noses. Inosuke's stomach was growling like crazy.

"Wow... you really are hungry. I'm done with the bandage so I'm going to get back at the fishes."

She gets back to the fishes and roast them more. She then takes them off the fire. "They look done. We should be able to eat now. Here is yours."

He immediately takes it and starts chomping like crazy. Leaving some meat on his face.

Y/N just looked at him with disgust.

She started eating her meal. Her body was feeling warm and relaxed. It's been a while, all she ate was rice buns and drank some water. Then was the best one yet.

"I want more." Inosuke was already done with his. Not surprising he actually eats like a boar.

"Here's another one but it's the last one for you. I was only able to get four of them. So we both have two each." She passed another fish to Inosuke.

There he was gobbling it up. You kept eating yours till there was nothing left. All the fishes were gone.

"If you want more food. There is the meat they are done."

"Aren't gonna eat them too?"

"I'm full already. That was good." She said with a delightful face.

"Okay!" He didn't hesitate to eat all of the meat."

A while later.She looked to the side, he was out, snores filling the silence. She rolled her eyes and covered him with her haori.

She lays onto the ground feeling the cold dirt. She looks at the sky where the full moon was. Shining bright once again. Stars around it sparkling next to the moon.

"I hope you're resting well Grandma. You too Tanjiro. Wherever you are right now." She gets comfortable and resting her eyes while she listens to the wind.

Where Tanjiro was, he was in town. Pointing the sword at the demon he finally defeated. "Tell me where is Muzan?"

"I-I can't tell you! He told me not to tell anyone. But he did tell me to give a message. To you and Y/N!"

"What does he want with her?"

"H-he said... that he is coming for her. One day she shall be his successor. She will become of what she truly is. A monster just like him. And there will be nothing you can't do for her. She is already in the process slowly as we speak. And once she is done that is when the time has come.And ending to humanity. You won't protect her for long. She will be out of your reach. You will lose her forever."

He body became to tremble in anger. He grits his teeth. Looking at the demon with a death glare.

"I promise you. I will make sure that will not happen. I will kill Muzan Kitbutsuji. No matter the cost."

"That's all I have to say! I can't say no more. Now get away from me!" He leaps toward Tanjiro. Tanjiro had no choice but to kill him.

His head slashed away from his body. His body then turning into ashes. He takes deep breathes, sweat draining down his body, trembling.

"I won't let anything happen to Y/N. I will protect her. No matter what..."

Demon Slayer:Love Never Dies (Remake) Season 1 Tanjiro x Reader [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now