chapter 2 sleepover

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stocking has just arrived to briefs house and put in the code

butler: hmm i see come with me then

stocking: uh okay

the two walk to brief's room

butler: here is the young masters room, i do hope you can cheer him up by the way, he has been crying this whole time.

stocking: yeah i'll try

butler: okay then *knock, knock*, young master brief you have a visitor

stocking enters briefs room to see its a bit messy

stocking: uh brief are you okay?

brief: y-yeah i'm f-fine

stocking: ... 

stocking suddenly hugs him

brief: u-uh stocking

stocking: don't worry just calm down a bit

brief hugs back and they sit there for a few minutes

brief: thanks for coming to cheer me up stocking

stocking: no problem, also uh do you think i could sleep over tonight

both brief and stockings cheeks reddened a bit

brief: u-uh sure

stocking: d-don't get the wrong idea panty just locked me out because we had an argument

brief's eyes widened due to the fact that panty would go that far

brief: don't worry i completely understand

stocking looked into his eyes, as did he to hers, they just stayed that way for a while, until

butler: master brief dinner is ready would you like me to bring it here?

brief: o-oh um yes please, but bring extra as stocking will be sleeping here tonight

butler: understood young master

the butler walked out while brief and stocking looked away from each other

stocking: um s-so you have very beautiful eyes

brief: w-well so do you

both of their faces were completely red

brief: w-well currently all our spare rooms are getting clean out so if you want you can sleep on my bed and i'll sleep on the floor-

stocking: n-no we can both just sleep in your bed it is pretty big after all

brief blushed even harder

brief: w-well if that's what you want then

eventually they had dinner and showers brief lent some clothes to stocking, and they found themselves laying on the bed unable to sleep

stocking: (i-i think he's asleep now, god is it cold)

stocking: (... if he's sleeping then he won't mind if i...)

suddenly stocking hugged and snuggled into brief

this got a silent yelp out of brief, who for a few minutes didn't move due to shock this gave stocking more than enough time to fall asleep

eventually brief turned his body to stocking, he blushed a bit but he hugged her back, and eventually fell asleep.

authors note: you know what if someone comments for the next part in the comments as soon as i see it i'll make the next part otherwise i'll just wait til tomorrow

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