chapter 13 the beach

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brief and stocking are about to head to the beach when panty suddenly comes out

panty: wait for me guys

she was wearing a very revealing swimsuit to hopefully get briefs attention, she had also told the demon sisters where they were going so they also got in very revealing swimsuits for brief to hopefully notice them, stocking was wearing a normal swimsuit and brief was going to get dressed at the beach

stocking sighed and let panty come with them

they eventually got to the beach but it just do happened to be bought out so nobody was there except two people the demon sisters

stocking: okay what the fuck is going on here

kneesocks: we bought out the beach for today so that brief can be alone with us

stocking hugged briefs arm

stocking: he's my boyfriend so fuck off

brief: well this is awkward, anyway i'm going to get dressed now i'll be right back

the demon sisters and stocking were glaring at each other when they realise someone was missing

stocking: oh shit panty

stocking: rushed to the changing rooms to see panty trying to peek on brief


stocking: get the fuck down from there

panty pouted

eventually brief came out and to the demon sisters surprise he had an angel and demon wing

but eventually they just drooled at his six pack

stocking: hey brief can you rub some cream on my back please?

brief: sure sugar~

stocking: e-eh sugar

brief: don't like it?

stocking: n-no (i loved it)

brief: all well here i come

he rubbed the cream on her back and they laid down and suntanned

panty and scanty did the same thing and they all had a drink but what nobody expected was for kneesocks to put sleeping dose into the girls drinks, and a paralysed dose into briefs drink, in a matter of seconds it worked

the girls were asleep and brief couldn't move, kneesocks dragged him behind a rock and had hearts in her red glowing eyes

brief: wh-what the fuck are you doing

kneesocks: i'll tell you what i'm about to do i'm about to ride that cock of yours

to her surprise though stocking had only faked drinking hers, she didn't trust the demon sisters

stocking got behind her and knocked her out, she dragged her to the other girls and wrote a note

"next time you try to drug us be sure it works dumb ass"

she got brief and their stuff and put him and everything else in see through and drove off, a little while after that briefs drugs wore off

brief: i guess being part angel and demon means i heal faster

stocking: i'm glad...

brief: are you okay-

brief turned to see stockings eyes flooded with tears

brief: s-stocking are you alright?!

stocking: sh-she nearly raped you of course i'm sad idiot

brief thought for a bit and smiled with some tears growing

brief: well i'm glad you saved me 

stocking had a small smile

stocking: y-yeah i guess your right

they both were happy again

stocking: by the way i'm totally fucking you dry when we get home

brief: e-eh oh no

stocking had a big smile now

back with the demon sisters and panty

they were starting to wake up and suddenly looked around

panty: huh? where are brief and stocking?

scanty: look i found a note

scanty: it says "next time you try to drug us be sure it works dumb ass"

panty: we got drugged?!

scanty: by who?!

they turned to look at kneesocks who had a lump on her head where stocking hit her

scanty and panty had red glowing eyes now

panty: she tried to take brief for herself...

kneesocks suddenly woke up to a menacing aura

scanty: sister how could you betray us like that

kneesocks: i um

panty and scanty got their weapons out

panty: you will have to pay the price now

the fight begun scanty and panty were demolishing kneesocks when she somehow got away, she will have to work by herself from now on

kneesocks: damn it

luckily for her she had a secret house she could stay at for the time being she was going to train more intense then ever and when she was done she was going to take brief

she walked to her secret house and went inside

the inside was loaded with brief pictures plushes and more it was even more brief designed then both panty and the demon sisters room put together

kneesocks eyes glowed extremely bright red

kneesocks: don't worry brief my love you'll be all mine soon all mine alone...

we go back to stocking and brief who have just finished the deed

brief sneezed

brief: i think someones talking about me

stocking: u-uh brief

brief turned his head to see his girlfriends face bright red

brief: yes?

stocking: y-you went to rough i-i cant walk you need t-to carry me

brief smirked

brief: to rough huh?

stocking blushed with heavy breaths

brief: i might just have to be careful so i don't go... even rougher~

stockings tongue rolled out and she latched onto him, even without being able to stand and they went for another round

to be continued.... see you next time

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