chapter 9 meet the past

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 garterbelt has just called everyone to the main room

garterbelt: alright i know you just dealt with a ghost but there's another one


garterbelt: stop fucking complaining and go deal with the motherfucker, but be careful the clue says past

stocking: maybe it's a time travel ghost

yeah she was spot one

they were at the spot eventually and were fighting the ghost, when something rather similar to stockings dream happened, brief had made a weapon out of their broken ones but it was different, it was a spear

he explained it to her and they fought together against the ghost until

time travel ghost: BACK WE GO BITCHES 

they all went back in time where they met the past versions of themselves

the ghost has escaped for now

past panty: damn geek boy i might just get with you in the future if you look like this

brief: actually i'm with stocking

past stocking, brief, and panty: WHAT!

stocking: yeah they were together but then panty cheated and me and brief got closer and

panty: just shut the fuck up i-i'll get him back soon

her eyes were glowing red

past panty: damn why am i so sad

panty looked at her past self

panty: you don't get it i need him and his love, it has to be mine, it hurts without him i want him.. i need him 

past panty teared up a bit

past panty: i-it hurts without him?


stocking whacked his head

stocking: we cant alter the past bitch plus brief is mine

stocking was blushing and so was past stocking

brief: aw i didn't know you cared for me so much

stocking: o-of course idiot i love you

past stocking looked at brief and got closer

past stocking: so your gonna date me in the future huh?

past brief: i-i guess so

past stocking smirked, and got heart in her eyes

past stocking: well i have always loved you my brief

everyone -past stocking: HUH?

stocking: but i didn't even know me feelings for brief back then-]

past stocking's eyes glowed red and had hearts in them, and she grabbed past brief

past brief: e-eh?! s-stocking!

past stocking: shh its okay

brief: uh i think this is an alternate timeline my stocking isn't a yandere

stocking: yeah that's probably it

past panty: that bitch he's mine

stocking: we should probably go find that ghost

brief: yeah good idea

eventually panty, brief and stocking found the ghost returned to their timeline and beat it they got 6 heavenly coins

brief: that's a lot of heavenly coins

brief bent down to pick them up when

stocking: e-eh brief you have angel wing?!

brief: wh-what?!

to be continued...

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