chapter 4 lets go to karaoke

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stocking got inside when suddenly she saw panty right in front of her with her arms crossed and an extremely pissed look on her face.

stocking: why do you look so pissed

panty: you just kissed brief you fucking bitch

stocking blushed a bit, and smirked

stocking: so what i'm allowed to kiss my boyfriend


panty: wh-what, he already moved on

stocking knew this was a lie and just savoured the despair on panty's face, until something she didn't expect happened


stocking held her cheek it stung, panty kicked her out, and locked the door then she went to her room crying her eyes out


stocking had a little tear in her eye as the slap stung, but she felt happy for getting back at panty for what she did, stocking decided to head to brief's house again

stocking and brief talked about what happened, in which made brief blush for what stocking said, she loved this reaction

brief: hey stocking i have a fun idea

stocking: oh? what might that be? 

brief: lets go do karaoke

stocking: sounds like a good idea

after that they got dressed and went to karaoke

they sung some songs and then started to get into love songs

stocking sung

then brief sung

eventually stocking went to the bathroom and a she was coming back she could hear brief singing

this made her cry a bit as she ran into the room and hugged him, he was crying a bit to but now he's just blushing

brief: s-stocking


brief: ...

he hugged her back, and started to run his fingers through her long silky hair

brief: thank you stocking

stocking: i-its alright

brief was about to let go but stocking hugged him tighter, she didn't want this moment to end yet

brief: ... your the best stocking you know that

she just looked at him and smiled before giving him a tighter hug and rubbing her head into his neck

brief: your just to cute

stocking: E-EH

brief: shit did i say that out loud

stocking nodded

brief blushed a lot and looked away

brief: s-sorry 

stocking grinned a little

stocking: i'll only forgive you if you buy me sweets

brief knew what she was doing and smirked

brief: oh? but there's already a sweet right here

stocking: huh? where?

brief looked her right in the eyes and lifted her chin

brief right here

stocking blushed very hard and literally fainted

brief: eh did i got to far?

that's it for today folks

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