chapter 14 jealousy

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everyone is at school where we see stocking is extremely pissed

stocking: I've really had enough of these stupid hoes asking my boyfriend out I've gotta stop them somehow

her eyes glowed red a bit she thought back to when they went to that alternate past timeline

stocking: w-wait no i cant do that

then brief came and sat next to her

brief: hey sweetie~

stocking blushed and kissed him

girls around them were super jealous and glared at her but she just glared back which made them look away

brief: is something wrong stocking?

stocking: all these hoes keep staring at you and it's really making me mad

brief: hey don't worry i only love you

scanty and panty were staring from a distance, then went back to their conversation

panty: kneesocks is hiding out somewhere and she might be plotting something

scanty: it doesn't matter if we keep training together she won't be able to beat us

suddenly garterbelt called, and the four (yes scanty helps with ghost now cause she loves brief, even if it goes against her orders she panty and kneesocks already beat corset into submission), went to the church

garterbelt: alright bitches-

stocking glared at him

garterbelt: er i meant alright girls and brief, there's a ghost ya'll need to beat, the clue is hottie

stocking: hottie?, what could that mean

they all got in see through and drove to the location of the ghost where they saw a very revealing sexual ghost stripper girl

she sent some stripper minions who were easily beaten by brief and that's when she noticed

stripper ghost: oh my what a hottie

stocking remembered the clue and her eyes widened


but it was to late the ghost got brief and rushed away

the girls followed in see through, and brief was fighting the ghost girl on her ride all the way

stripper ghost: oh come on i know you want me

she was revealing her bits and using her ability to make men fall for her and..., it didn't work

stripper ghost: what the fuck that usually works

brief: shut the fuck up

brief then uppercut the ghost and did a mean close combat on her and finally the ghost exploded leaving 3 heaven coins

brief: heh not bad

that's when brief noticed the stripper ghost's minion driving the car he was on was gone

he looked at the screen breaking the fourth wall

brief: shi-


the car crashed into a wall knocking brief out

stocking rushed to him right away

stocking: BRIEF NO!

she shook him but he didn't wake up

the other two girls rushed there but stocking was raging she had brief on her back and was breaking anything in the way of her and the hospital

when she finally got there the nurses got brief to a doctor straight away as to not get killed by stocking's wrath

about 5 minutes after she was just sad and breaking down until the doctor got her

stocking: doc is he okay?!

doctor: well he is half angel and half demon so he is fine just knocked out is all from the speed he hit that wall at i'm surprised he has no injury's 

to say stocking was just relieved was an understatement at this moment she was extremely joyful, but because brief scared her like that... her eyes glowed red..., i'll have to get him back, she smiled

she sat next to his bed and waited for him to wake up, eventually panty and scanty got there to they also sat next to his bed

after a while he woke up and he was hugged by all three of the girls, then stocking stopped and glared at him with red glowing eyes

stocking: stop getting into these situations, idiot 

she turned away and pouted, brief had a smile

brief: i love you to

she blushed and hugged him again, she was indeed very worried

he gave her a kiss on the cheek

scanty: eh what about us 

panty and scanty pouted, brief looked at stocking who glared daggers at them then she stared at him

stocking: grr, fine BUT only this one time

brief sighed and gave panty and scanty a kiss on the cheek each, which made them both faint in excitement, this got a chuckle from brief and stocking

brief then looked at stocking and blushed

brief: hey stocking...

stocking: yeah?

brief got out of the bed and got on one knee

brief: will you marry me?

to be continued...

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