chapter 3 ignoring

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it was morning and stocking was just staring to wake up

stocking: what a nice sleep, i never thought briefs bed was this com-

she stopped talking and blushed when she realised they she and brief were both in an embrace

stocking: e-eh, oh my god i'm hugging him and he's hugging me back, i-i better get out of bed-

suddenly brief hugged her tighter as she started to blush more, she then looked right at his face

stocking: ... he looks so good... m-maybe i can just

stocking starts to go in for a kiss when suddenly brief woke up

brief:mm huh morning

stocking froze and quickly acted like nothing was happening

brief: e-eh i'm sorry for hugging you, it's just last night you hugged me and it was cold and all s-so i-

stocking: i-it's fine brief

briefs eyes glowed up as she didn't call him geek boy, he smirked and decided to tease her a bit

brief: so i'm glad you're calling me by my name now stocking

stocking froze up again and started to stutter all over the place until brief put his finger on her lips

brief: hey it's okay it makes me happy that you call me brief anyway

he had a big smile, it was going to take a while to get used to it but she didn't mind

stocking: AH WAIT SCHOOL, i forgot to get my things and-

brief put his finger on her lips again

brief: don't worry the maids washed you things for you its all on the chair over there, and we'll take a limo to school today so don't worry

stocking was amazing he had everything sorted out

stocking: w-well okay just turn around while i get dressed

brief: alright 

brief turns around and as stocking is halfway dressed she decided to get a bit of revenge for that tease from earlier, she snuck up behind him and hugged him with her bare chest against his back.

brief: E-EH s-stocking you're chest i-it's touching m-my

stocking: he he yeah i know just wanted a bit of payback

she let go of him but when he was relaxed again she blew on his ear

brief blushed but didn't say anything, this got a giggle out of her

but eventually they were ready and went to school when they got there they saw panty adn the demon sisters arguing

scanty: you cant just do that it's against the rules


kneesocks: oh my it seems you've blown a gasket, did you and you sister have an argument

panty was fuming but then they all turned to see stocking and brief

panty: b-brief wait please give me another chance i promise i can fix this

brief and stocking just looked at her with disgust

they walked passed her and went to class

scanty: hmm what happened between you all

panty: mind your own damn business bitch

scanty: whatever, lets go to class sister

kneesocks: agreed

the whole day went by with brief and stocking ignoring panty

everyone saw panty desperately trying to get briefs attention, and thought it was rather funny, but alas the end of the day came and brief was taking stocking home in a limo

stocking: well this is it for today

brief: yeah...

they stood in silence for a while until something brief didn't expect happened, stocking gave him a quick peck on the cheek and ran inside with a blush

stocking: see you tomorrow brief

brief: s-see you tomorrow

brief held his cheek and blushed, he smiled and went back into the limo and went home

unfortunately for stocking, panty saw what she did, and she was quite pissed.

im ending it here for now guys but i'll make another tomorrow or if i see someone ask if it in the comments for tomorrow comes

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