chapter 5 stockings dream

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stocking has passed out and brief took her to his house where he didn't know what to do, he got a maid to change her and he took her to bed.

:in stockings dream:

she sat up and looked around, she was in her bed, when panty came into her room.

panty: hey bitch we gotta go take care of a ghost

stocking: alright lets go then

the ghost was a cat like ghost it seems the person was killed by cats, panty and stocking were about to beat it when suddenly brief was there.

brief: take this!

brief shot a weird looking arrow from a crossbow and it destroyed the ghost just like how their weapons did, 1 heaven coin came from the ghost

panty: what the fuck was that geek boy

brief: ah well you see that day when you're weapons kept breaking i picked up all the broken weapons and used them to make my own

stocking: so this crossbow? 

brief looked her in her eyes lifted her chin and spoke

brief: yes of course love~

stocking blushed hard from this

stocking: l-love

brief: yeah were dating remember

stocking had no idea what was going on but she liked it, and with hearts in her eyes she responded

stocking: oh yes of course darling

they shared a kiss

panty: take your lovey dovey shit away from me

stocking enjoyed the sour face of panty

eventually brief carried stocking to the church and they went to her room

brief: hey babe...

stocking: yeah?

brief: i'm in the mood are you

stocking was blushing a lot and responded 

stocking: yes i always am with you!

they got into the bed when stocking suddenly woke up

stocking: ...

stocking: ah fuck why couldn't of it been real

brief woke up

brief: hmm? why couldn't what be real

stocking: me and brief were about to-

stocking then realised where she was

brief: we were about to what?

stocking: w-we were about to eat sweets together

brief: oh that does sound quite nice why don't we do that today?

stocking: y-yeah that sounds nice-


brief: please calm down it was one of the maids

stocking blushed a bit and whispered

stocking: i wish it as you

brief: did you say somethi-


that's it for today come back tomorrow

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