chapter 6 a date?

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brief and stocking were heading downtown to a sweets shop, eventually they arrived

stocking drooled as brief giggled

stocking: huh whats so funny

brief took out a handkerchief and wiped the drool from her mouth

brief: you were drooling

stocking: o-oh sorry, ehehe

brief: it's fine stocking lets head in now

they went in and took a seat it was a very fancy place and eventually a waiter came

hello sir is there anything we can get for you and your girlfriend?

both stocking and brief blushed from this until brief spoke up

brief: a-actually were just friends

stocking: yeah... just friends...

the waiter say what was going on and decided to help the angel

he got the lights into the mood got the band to play romantic songs, and even recommended a romantic meal

stocking: this place is awesome

brief: yeah i'm glad we came

stocking blushed a bit

stocking: s-so brief

brief: yeah? 

stocking: h-how about i feed you

brief blushed very hard

brief: E-EH?!

stocking gave puppy eyes

brief: s-sure why not i-i'll feed you after

stockings eyes lit up in excitement as they started to feed each other, it was extremely romantic to her.

stocking: oh? you have some cake on your cheek

brief: oh really? where is it

stocking got close to his face and licked it off presenting it in her mouth to him before swallowing

brief blushed extremely hard after that, which made her giggle, brief pouted, then he noticed, an opportunity to get her back for that

brief: hey stocking

stocking: yeah?

brief: you also have cake on your cheek

brief got close to her and licked it off

brief: mm tasty

he licked his lips, this made stockings face go full red and steam came out her ears, this made brief laugh.

stocking: e-eh you set me up

brief: yeah but you liked it

stocking: sh-shut up idiot

they both gave off a smile before they started moving closer and-


everyone looked at the door to see a pissed off panty

panty ran up to stocking and grabbed her

panty: i fucking knew you'd be here with brief, were talking about this when we get home right now we gotta fight a ghost

she looked back at brief and made a sad face

panty: i hope you'll come after the fight i need you back brief... no matter how it has to happen...

end for today folks

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