chapter 11 half demon?!

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stocking was driving away from the demon sisters as fast as she could but they were gaining

scanty was shooting her bullets at see through but brief was using his spear to stop the bullets which fell into the backseat

eventually kneesocks tried throwing a scythe at them which brief caught, he thought for a while and looked the the scythe then the bullets and had an idea

brief: hey stocking drive us to (briefs lab location)

stocking: uh okay

they got there and brief put up his defence barrier which got the demon sisters to eventually go away

brief picked up all the bullets and the scythe but also took his spear with him

he was going to make it all into new weapons

stocking waited in his labs lounge room and watched TV when he came out wearing something weird on both arms

stocking waited in his labs lounge room and watched TV when he came out wearing something weird on both arms

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this on both arms

stocking: uh what are those?

brief: okay so you know how you panty and the demon sisters turn your clothes into weapons

stocking: yeah all angels and demons do that

brief: well now so can i

stocking was confused but then briefs arm sleeves started to transform

stocking was confused but then briefs arm sleeves started to transform

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this is what they looked like now these are his angelic and demonic weapons

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this is what they looked like now these are his angelic and demonic weapons

stocking: holy fuck that's awesome

brief: ehe thanks it took a while to make them

stocking: you kidding it only took 30 minutes

brief: eh? really

stocking: yeah look at the clock

brief looked at it

brief: huh well then i guess we have some time then

he looked back at stocking who was smirking and revealing a bit of her bra

brief: oh are we playing that way huh

he smirked and took off his shirt when stocking was drooling and his 6 pack, she suddenly saw it 

stocking: oh fuck

brief: whats wrong?

stocking: you have a demon wing now 

stocking: you have a demon wing now 

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this is what his wings looked like

stocking: okay let me check you

she checked him for a while when finally coming to a conclusion

stocking: okay so basically your 40% angel 40% demon and 20% human, that explains why you don't have horns or a halo, there's a problem though, you won't be able to hide away you wings like we do

brief: aw fuck, that's gonna be a pain in the ass

stocking: meh just don't hide it, me panty, and the demon sisters don't

brief: w-well if you say so

briefs father was watching them leave to the church through a secret camera in his lab

briefs father: damn it brief, just what have you and those stupid angels got you into

brief and stocking after everything they went through finally go to the church, when they arrive panty is excited to see brief but is surprised to see that he also had a demon wing (yes she has already seen the angel wing

panty: hey how did that happen

stocking sighed and explained

panty: well i don't mind if our wings intertwine brief what do you say?

her eyes were glowing red with hearts in them while she squeezed a brief plush 

brief: panty how many times do i have to tell you we are over

panty: whether you like it or not i'll get you back

stocking: yeah yeah whatever

brief and stocking head to her room

when they get there they get under the blankets and hug together feeling each others warmth it really got them in the mood, eventually they started to strip and did the deed, which they both enjoyed very much this was the best moment ever

stocking: how is your dick *pant, pant* so fucking big

brief: *huff* i don't *pant* know

panty was outside and was extremely pissed she hated that it wasn't her fucking brief she wanted him back now

but seeing his thing really got her in the mood she rushed back to her room and got out her brief sex doll and really got into it, she was screaming briefs name out in pleasure in fact she was doing it so loud that stocking and brief went to check on her, they peeked into her room and were creeped out seeing it was all decorated with brief pictures and plushes and they saw her riding a brief sex doll which disgusted them, was she really that desperate?

brief: i say we hightail it back to your room

stocking: agreed.

to be continued...

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