chapter 10 demonic crush

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stocking has just pointed out that brief has an angel wing (yes one) 

brief: h-how did that get there

stocking: maybe it's because you're using an angel weapon? 

brief: yeah that makes sense, i must have absorbed my spears energy and now i'm angelic

stocking: well to me it seems your just half angel

brief: half is still pretty cool though i'm part angel

stocking giggled

stocking: yeah i guess it is pretty cool

it was the end of the day so everyone was going to head home

it is now time for everyone to go back to school, but brief is having some trouble

brief: how do i hide this thing?, this is going to be a bit of a problem

he retracted it as close to his back as he could

brief: i guess this will do

brief headed to school where he met up with stocking they went and sat down at a bench when a familiar carpet came rolling to them

the demon sisters walked up to them and were about to insult stocking when they saw brief, before when they saw panty begging to take her back they didn't get a good look at him but now that they are up close, they see his beauty

scanty: o-oh my is that you brief?

brief: uh yeah? it is

kneesocks: when did you get so hot-

she covered her mouth

brief: uh sorry did you say something?

brief was confused but stocking heard it all to well and was a bit jealous, she grabbed his arm and spoke

stocking: well anyway me and my boyfriend have to get to class now so bye bye

they walked away, brief was a bit confused but he didn't mind

scanty: so she got him first huh

kneesocks: fear not dear sister we will just have to win him over

scanty: oh yes then we can play with that little hottie

the demon sisters started drooling

it was lunch time and the demon sisters were continuously trying to get briefs attention

from scanty pretending to trip over to fall on him, to kneesocks revealing a bit of her cleavage to him

stocking was much more then just pissed

brief: hey stocking i'm just going to the bathroom-

stocking: ah let me walk you there okay

brief: uh okay?

stocking was guarding the door to make sure the demon sisters didn't get her boyfriend

the demon sisters were really starting to piss her off, what she didn't think of was stocking was also still after brief, stocking came into the boys bathroom through the roof and as brief finished washing his hands he saw her

brief: p-panty? what the fuck are you doing in here it's the boys bathroom

panty: oh my silly darling i'm here for you

brief: b-but i already told you we are over

panty didn't care anymore she just wanted brief right now

brief got out of the bathroom as fast as he could, and he grabbed stockings hand and ran

stocking: u-uh why are we running?

brief: panty

stockings eyes widened, damn it she forgot abut panty

but it didn't matter as for the rest of the day they somehow avoided both panty and the demon sisters

well at least until they had to go home

stocking had convinced brief to come sleep over at the church and he had agreed, they were heading home when

scanty: and yoink

scanty had just driven past and took brief

stocking: oh mother fucker

stocking called chuck to bring see through and they drove after the demon sisters

they drove all through town before brief fought back against the sisters and jumped into see through

stocking: hell yeah, good job

brief: he he thanks

stocking: by the way what were those damn awesome fighting moves

brief: ah well my father made me learn every martial arts and fighting styles known so i could defend myself i just don't like using them cause its something he forced on me

stocking: ah i see, well when we get to the church i am so snuggling you

brief: wouldn't have it any other way 

to be continued...

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