chapter 15 marriage

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we see brief and stocking in wedding clothes with many people at the wedding


brief: will you marry me?

stockings eyes widened

stocking: i-is this for real

brief nodded, stocking pinched herself to make sure it wasn't a dream... it's not a dream, she teared up and smile

stocking: YES!

she ran into brief and hugged him extremely tight, they were both very happy

flashback end:

garterbelt: and now i have said all the vows does anyone object

panty and scanty were about to stand up and object as it had been their plan to object and fight stocking for brief's hand in marriage but someone else beat them to it

kneesocks: I OBJECT!

everyone turned to see kneesocks with an extremely powerful aura

panty: wh-what the fuck

scanty stocking panty and brief got their weapons out this was going to be the fight of a lifetime

kneesocks smirked letting out her power

everyone but brief was shocked, he had expected this to happen

they all charged at each other and started fighting kneesocks was even in power with all of them put together

stocking: damn it how is she so powerful

kneesocks: it's called the power of love

scanty: damn it i don't think i can go on any longer

panty: shes to strong damn it

stocking: i won't lose i cant lose

brief: that's it no more playing around

everyone looked at him in confusion when he revealed something, he's wearing restricters


brief: ehehehe surprise

brief then looked serious he looked at kneesocks and punched her a blinding speeds 

kneesocks: wh-what this cant be

brief smirked and knocked her far far away

scanty and panty fainted from exhaustion 

but brief and stocking quickly finished their wedding

we then zoom out as we see a book close

brief: and that son is how me and your mother got together

briefxstocking son: wow thats amazing dad

stocking: yes but now me and you daddy have some things to take care of

brief smirked and gave her a kiss well then lets go

the end..., by the way tomorrow will be the start of a new story called childhood friends it will be a brief x scanty story so be ready

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