chapter 12 1 now 3

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its the next day and brief and stocking are nervous to go to school

brief: welp here we are

stocking: i just hope those damn sisters leave us alone today

little did they know there were three people behind a wall watching brief, with hears in their red glowing eyes

demon sisters and panty: were gonna get brief no matter how we have to do it

(now let me just explain something the reason no girl in the school were asking brief out was because that they saw the demon sisters and panty were after him not to mention how close he and stocking had become)

but there was one girl who had the guts to ask him out, she tried but he explained he was already in a relationship and she understood, but what that girl didn't expect was for panty and the demon sisters to kill her (in secret of course) but the body was found

this freaked out everyone in the school a student had just died and it just so happened to be the one that asked out brief

not everyone believed that to be the reason the girl died only some thought that way

brief was just as shocked as everyone else, and so was stocking, but eventually everyone got over it

it was now the end of the day, brief and stocking were heading home unknowing they were being followed

scanty: oh god he's hot

kneesocks i know right i just want him to be mine

panty: you mean ours, we all only teamed up for one thing brief

kneesocks: right...

what the other two didn't expect was that kneesocks had a plan in mind

as soon as they got brief, she was going to take him away for herself, she had been secretly doing very intense training as was much more powerful than scanty and panty, but not powerful enough to take them both down at the same time, but the thing is scanty and panty have been secretly training together the less people they have to share brief with the better

but stocking has also been doing intense training, however shes been doing it with brief, they train together to both get stronger and better and to get brief used to his weapons

so everyone had been training intensely

eventually stocking and brief reached the church they planned another sleepover they could now barely sleep if they were apart so they basically needed this

the demon sister had to go back home as well to not get in trouble and panty also went into the church

when inside she frowned at the sight of brief and stocking cuddling in a blanket on the couch

this really pissed her off she hated when she saw them all lovey dovey

stocking looked to the side to see her sisters sour face and smirked

stocking: hey brief...

brief: huh? yes stocking

when he turned to her she started to make out with him which just made panty really pissed off she started adding tongue which got a little moan out of brief

panty blushed a little she loved briefs moan but she was to pissed to for this

she rushed off to her room crying

stocking saw this and was happy with herself

they stopped making out and brief started to talk

brief: i-i love you

stocking blushed with little stars in her eyes

stocking: i love you to (he's so cute!!!)

then she noticed it and smirked

stocking: hey if you have a stiff one you can just tell me

brief blushed hard but saw a chance to get back at her

he got close to her neck and she could feel his warm heavy breaths

brief: but where would be the fun in that?

he took a small bit on her shoulder which made her moan

stocking: oh are we playing that way huh?

they started to do the deed

back with the demon sisters 

in both of their room there were pictures and plushes of brief everywhere just like pantys, they also had a brief sex doll just like panty

currently they were just lying in their beds with nonstop thoughts of brief

scanty: we really fell deep for him huh

kneesocks: how could we not he's just perfect

both sisters sighed in delight of the thought of brief being theirs

scanty: i wonder what we should do tomorrow it is a free day off school as the police need to investigate because of that girl we killed

kneesocks: who knows dear sister who knows

back with brief and stocking who have just finished the deed

brief: *huff, huff* hey stocking

stocking: *pant , pant* yeah?

brief: tomorrow... lets go to the beach

stocking smiled

stocking: sounds like a wonderful idea, but first, help me pick out a swimsuit

brief: s-sure

to be continued

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