Chapter 2: Hayley Marshall

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Lilliana Moore's POV

Sophie Deveraux, Elijah Mikaelson and his girlfriend Lilliana walked up to the gates of Lafayette Cemetery. While Sophie walked through, Elijah and Lilliana stopped at the gates, unable to come in. The witch stopped in her tracks, turning around to face the two vampires. 

'This is sacred ground, which means vampires have to be invited in. But, since I'm desperate... come on in.' She beckoned the two of us, and we stepped into the cemetery, following Sophie through the tombs of the witches. 'We can talk freely here.' 

'Then I suggest you start talking,' Elijah said. 'What did your sister want with Niklaus?' 

'Isn't it obvious? We have a vampire problem, and we need help. Marcel has an army backing him. The witches have been trying to fight back. We haven't had much luck until my sister Jane-Anne met a girl, a werewolf passing through the Quarter from a small town in Virginia. She had a special "connection" to your brother.' 

'What kind of connection?'

'Apparently, they spent some time together. One thing led to another, and now this special werewolf girl - she's pregnant. And the father of the child she's carrying is your brother Klaus.' 

'That's impossible,' I said. 

'Nothing is impossible,' Sophie replied, 'especially not when it comes to his brother,' she added, nodding to Elijah for emphasis. 'Think about it - they call him the hybrid, right?' She turned around and yelled into the darkness of the cemetery. 'Bring her out?' Three witches walked out, bringing a brunette girl that I assumed was the werewolf. She looked incredibly irritated, and I saw Elijah's eyes widen slightly with a keen interest in the girl. 

'Who the hell are you?' the werewolf asked sharply. 

'Give us a moment, please,' Elijah said softly to Sophie. 

The three of us were inside a small sheltered area in the cemetery, listening to the werewolf girl tell her story. 

'So, have they been holding you here against your will?' Elijah asked, pacing back and forth while I sat with the girl on the bench, as she had her knees drawn up to her chest. 

'They lured me out to the bayou and grabbed me. And they did all of these... weird, witchy tests. Not that I understand how this could happen. I mean, vampires are dead. They can't have children.' 

'Perhaps if you knew my brother's story, it might explain how this is possible. Here, if I may.' He reached his hand forwards to touch her head, but she flinched away from him. 

'What are you doing?' 

'Relax. If you open your mind to me, I can show you.' He sat across from her as I stood up, and placed both of his hands on her head, both of their eyes closing as he began to show his past to her. 'In the beginning, our family was human. A thousand years ago, now. Although our mother dabbled in the dark arts, we were actually just a family trying to survive in a time when it was quite difficult to do so. And, for better or for worse, we were happy. That is, however, until one night, our youngest brother was killed by our village's greatest threat. Men that could transform themselves into wolves during the full moon. Our family was devastated, none more so than Niklaus. Desperate to protect the rest of us, our father forced our mother to call upon her black magic in order to make us stronger. Thus, the first vampires were born. But with this speed, this strength, this immortality, came a terrible hunger. And none felt this hunger more than Niklaus. When he killed for the first time, he knew what he truly was. 

'He wasn't just a vampire.' 

'He was a werewolf,' the girl said in realisation. 'That's how the werewolf curse works. It isn't activated until you take a life.' 

'Niklaus was the result of an indiscretion my mother had kept hidden from all of us. An affair, with a werewolf like yourself. Infuriated with this betrayal, my father forced our mother to cast a spell that would suppress Klaus' werewolf side, denying him any connection with his true self.' 

'Your dad was a dick,' the girl said softly, making Elijah and I both smile softly. 'I'm Hayley, by the way. You should probably know my name if I'm going to know your life's story.' The Original vampire and the werewolf girl slowly shook hands, and then she shook mine. 'I mean, I know yours. What about you?' she asked, looking up at me. 

'I'm Elijah's girlfriend. My name's Lilliana. It's a bit of a long story, really.' Seeming satisfied with this answer, she continued to speak to Elijah again. 

'Your family is legendary. Your brother is a notorious psycho, who I slept with... Classic me.' 

'I cannot excuse his behavior, but you must understand, when our father hunted him - hunted us, for centuries, every time we found a moment of happiness, we were forced to flee. Even here, in New Orleans, where we were happiest of all. Not long after Niklaus broke the spell which prevented him from becoming a hybrid, he defeated our father. I thought this would make him happy.' He slowly shook his head. 'He was angrier than ever. I wonder if perhaps this baby might be a way for my brother to find happiness. A way to save him from himself.' 

'I'm glad you feel that way...' Sophie Deveraux said, walking into the vault, 'because we need your help.' The two of us vampires turned around to see Sophie, and Hayley looked up from her spot on the bench. 

'What, precisely, is it that you want?' I asked. 'And what does it have to do with this young woman?' 

'We want to run Marcel and his vampires out of town. Klaus is the key. Everything Marcel knows about becoming a vampire, he learned it from Klaus. Marcel trusts him, looks up to him. He won't see the betrayal coming.' 

'Yes, well, as I'm sure you're aware, my brother Niklaus doesn't like to be told what to do,' Elijah replied. 

'That's why I brought you two here. Marcel drove the werewolves out of town decades ago,' Sophie said. 'Do you really think he's going to welcome a hybrid baby to the neighbourhood? Convince Klaus to help us, and no one has to know about the newest member of the Original family.' 

'That sounds remarkably like blackmail,' the Original vampire replied. 

'Like I said, I'm desperate.' 

'Well, then,' Elijah said with a smile, looking over to me, 'we have our work cut out for us, don't we?' I smiled in return, meeting Elijah's eyes. 

Original Vampires, Welcome to New Orleans (The Originals Seasons 1 and 2 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now