Chapter 27: Josephine LaRue

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Hours later...

Elijah and I sat by the matronly Josephine LaRue as Gia played the violin. When she finished, there was a small silence, then it was taken over by the soft, motherly voice of the elderly witch.

'You are as calculating as I've heard, Mr. Mikaelson, having your companion play the very piece I once performed to great acclaim.' She looked over at Elijah and I.

'Is it not also a piece that you enjoy?' he asked.

'It's best not to insult those more powerful than you, which is the only reason I allowed you into my home,' she replied. 'Now, if you will excuse me, I have many things to do.' She moved to get up, but Elijah spoke.

'My goodness, I had expected a more cordial welcome here.'

'And why would I be cordial to you?' she snapped, but her voice was calm and even. 'Since your family has returned to this city, our elders have been murdered, promising young witches have been inhabited against their wills.'

'And we can put an end to all of it,' I said.

'With all due respect, Miss Moore - or Mrs. Mikaelson? Which is it?' she asked me.

'Miss Moore,' I replied.

'With all due respect Miss Moore, I can believe that as much as I believe I will play my violin again someday because, Miss Moore and Mr. Mikaelson, beneath the formal attire and behind the lovely Beethoven, you are all the same - liars, monsters wearing the skins of humans. Good day to you both.'

'Ms. LaRue, we needn't be unpleasant,' Elijah said.

'I hold no animosity, nor do I want to do you any favours. I simply want you to leave my home.'

'Screw her, Elijah,' Gia snapped. 'I don't see a friggin crown on her head.'

'I beg your pardon.'

'You're not the queen of the witches. You don't speak for all of them. You know, I can't believe I dressed up and learned how to play Beethoven. I hate Beethoven.'

'And what do you like, young lady?' Josephine asked with a slight sound of keen interest in her voice. 'If not for Beethoven, then for what?' She picked up her violin and began to play a piece of something I hadn't quite heard before, and the three of us stood, watching Josephine react to the music. When she finished the piece, Josephine smiled slightly. 'Eddie South. That makes you a true jazz girl.'

'You know Eddie South?'

'One time, I nearly eloped with a jazz musician,' she said with the smile growing a little more on her face. 'My mother learned of my plans and let's just say... she wasn't pleased. Your candour is most refreshing. I find most vampires to be more calculating - no offense,' she added, looking over at Elijah. He let a soft smile slip.

'None taken. I, on occasion, do admire her candour,' he said.

'He has great taste,' Gia added. 'He's also a man you can trust, and Lilliana is too. And I say that as someone who doesn't trust easily... or at all really.'

'I suppose I should just hear you out, Mr. Mikaelson.'

I handed Elijah a slip of paper.

'Thank you, darling,' he said softly, turning to Josephine, who was once again seated. 'One of the witches that escaped the Fauline Cottage is of particular importance to my family. My request to you - tell your people to leave her to me.'

'You have no idea how dangerous these witches can be.'

'She will cause you no further trouble, I can assure you that,' Elijah replied. 'In return, I shall find all the remaining witches and deliver them safely back to you. Consider this the first step in a new and mutually beneficial alliance.' He handed the sheets of paper to her.

'Eva Sinclair,' she said, reading over the notes. 'Powerful and sadistic. If I am to relinquish someone like her into your custody, I will require someone equally powerful in return. The Treme coven wants Vincent Griffith returned. How you expel your brother Finn from his body is your concern.'

'Consider it done.'

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