Chapter 33: The Wicked Witch Makes Her Move

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Freya walked into the compound hastily.

'I need to see Elijah,' she called out. Several wolves from Jackson's pack gathered around, seeking to defend the house from the witch, but there was no need.

'Let her through,' Rebekah called, descending the stairs with me just behind her. 'I'm actually glad you're here,' she added.

'Freya,' Elijah called out, stepping into the room. Freya turned to see her older brother.

'I saw her - Dahlia. She intends to make her move tonight. Klaus and our father will be her next victims.'

'And you have returned to warn the very people who would cast you out,' I said.

'I understand Klaus' mistrust, as I do yours, but I did not come this far to see my family die. Not at the hands of the evil that I've tried for so long to escape. I'm begging you; help me save them.'

'Tell me what you need,' Elijah replied.

'Dahlia will lure them into a trap. She prefers places of darkness. She'll be drawn to any site that's been steeped in death.'

'Well, welcome to New Orleans,' Rebekah replied sarcastically.

'Oh, no, I'm talking about dark power created by massacre, sacred ground that's been stained in the blood of the innocent.'

Hours later...

Dahlia had overpowered both Klaus and Mikael and was just about to continue to harm Mikael with her magic when Freya came around the corner.

'Enough!' Freya exclaimed. Dahlia relented her hold of Mikael and turned to face the witch.

'My Freya, you do realise that this so-called family of yours is simply using you for your power?'

'No. You're the one who used me for a thousand years. No more.'

'So be it.' She used her magic on Freya to give her a headache, but then Mikael stabbed her with a sharp piece of wood and the two were thrown a way from Freya.

'Stay away from my daughter!' he cried out. Elijah knelt near his brother and offered some of his blood to him. Dahlia used her magic to throw Mikael aside, then pulled the makeshift stake out of her body. I walked in behind Elijah, and he, Klaus and I stood together as Dahlia rose to her feet.

'Don't you know - I'm too powerful to kill?' She threw the stake away. Klaus charged her, but she used her magic to throw him aside again. Angered, he rushed her, but she disappeared at the last moment, and he fell into the pulpit with a crash. He stood, looking around. Dahlia was gone.

As the group recovered, they suddenly heard a voice.

'We all have weaknesses.' They turned once more to see Dahlia standing there. 'You came here united hoping to exploit mine. And in doing so, you lost one thing you could have used against me - the weapon you created, now rendered useless.' She dropped the dagger into flame. Freya rushed forward and cried out, but it was no use. She made the fire disappear just as quickly as she'd dropped the dagger into it. 'Now that we've dispensed of that little trinket, perhaps we can focus on the issue at hand. After all, I seek only that which is owed to me, nothing more. Give me the child, and you all may live. Deny me, and, well, you've had a taste of my power. I can't imagine you hunger for more.' Just as quick as she had arrived, Dahlia was gone again.

That next day...

Freya lingered in the attic above the church when she sensed a presence nearby.

'I had a feeling I'd be seeing you,' Freya said wistfully as Elijah walked into the attic.

'I understand you built a marker for Father,' he said, holding something. 'I wish to contribute this,' he added, laying a knife down on the table. She picked it up, unsheathing it.

'How did you -'

'Niklaus stole it from Mikael long ago. He would use it to carve tthose tiny wooden figurines for Rebekah and myself. Like your own, his was not a happy childhood. Art was something of a sanctuary for Niklaus and remains so to this day.'

'Do you tell me this so I might sympathise with him as you do incessantly? I assume Rebekah gave you my ultimatum.'

'I don't accept ultimatums,' he replied, 'nor will I choose between yourself and Niklaus.'

'I will not trust my freedom to an alliance with Klaus, which means you will fight Dahlia alone and you will lose.'

'You came to us,' he replied sharply, 'tired of running, wanting freedom and desperate for the kind of strength that can only come from family. Now with or without you, Klaus and I will defeat Dahlia. And I would prefer you to be by our side.'

'You would ask me to stay and watch as we all become Dahlia's chattel.'

'Stay...' he said, walking around to her, 'and we defeat Dahlia together, or you may leave and consign yourself to a life of solitude. My sister, is there really any choice?' There was silence as she was left in deep thought. Then she spoke.

'Swear to me that you will not allow Klaus to be our undoing.'

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